Revision history for Perl extension Class::Maker.

0.01  Tue Jun  4 05:20:50 2002
	- original version; created by h2xs 1.21 with options
		-A -X -a -n Class::Maker

0.02  18.06.2002 22:31
	- Fixed a bug in Class::Maker::Examples::Array which lead
	to failure of other cpan module SQL::Generator

0.03 19.06.2002 23:07
	- Added private field: All privat attributes are automatically
	prefixed with an '_' (This feature wasn't working before).

0.04 26.06.2002 00:57
	- Added a couple of very usefull Example:: objects.

0.05_01 01.07.2002 00:49
	- changed the usage of Class::Maker::Fields::_make_method()
	- now supporting '<attr>' syntax in the attribute section for
	making these attribute fields private (Inspired by Terrence
	Brannon). Example:

	attributes =>
		scalar => [qw(name address <internal> age)],

		array => [qw(friends <pattri> visits)],

	Result: 'internal' and 'pattri' are privat (as if the were
	written into an private => { } attribute section. Also the
	reflection is modified after this.

	TODO: the brackets should include multiple attribute values,
	like qw(one <two three four> five) , should make two, three,
	four private.
	This bracket-private feature should work only in public and
	attributes fields.

0.05_02 01.07.2002 00:49

	- compilation failed on Class::Maker::Example::* classes fixed.

0.05_03 04.07.2002 03:18

	- updated dependencies (Data::Verify)