Revision history for Perl module Geo::Address::Formatter.

1.2.3   2014-10-15
		- cleanup readme file
		- better merging of template configuration when reading multiple files
		   (currently it's only one file)
		- corrected examples in POD [ticket 99517, thanks TOBYINK]
		- disable Perl critics 'use strict' policy because it conflicts with
			dzil automatic addition of version numbers into .pm files (PkgVersion)

1.2.2   2014-10-15
        - use fallback template if not enough address components, for example
          "Moabit, Berlin"

1.2.1   2014-10-03
        - more docs
        - fixed path in test

1.2     2014-10-03
        - improved POD

1.1     2014-10-02
        - add address-formatting repository as submodule to allow running
            (blackbox) tests against its configuration and test cases.

1.0     2014-10-02
        - initialize release