Revision history for Provision-Unix
1.06 2013-04-18 20:29:49 America/Los_Angeles
1.05 2011-11-30
- require version 1 of utf8 (weed out ancient perl versions)
- required v2.08 of File::Path (resolve some test failures)
1.04 2011-11-27
- test suite updates b/c Dist::Zilla doesn't make it easy to exclude testing
on win32/cygwin platform.
- not finding a test process running is not a test failure
1.03 2011-11-07
- dependency updates so tests work on perl < 5.8
- chown api changes due to M:T:U import
- when destroying users on Darwin (Mac), flush the cache before testing if the command succeeded.
- when setting a test quota, use the test user.
- quota_set: renamed param username -> user to match use
- dist.ini: added autoprereqs & use utf8
- P:U:DNS:tinydns: added comments for tinydns-data record formats
- P:U:DNS: renamed fully_qualify -> qualify
1.02 Nov 04, 2011
- FreeBSD user functions make secure backups
1.01 Nov 01, 2011
- remove Switch from Xen::Config
- Utility::ask allows undefined default to be passed in
- packaging changes related to switching to Dist::Zilla
0.99 Oct 20, 2010
- added syntax checking for all modules in lib as part of 'make test'
- synced with Mail::Toaster
- quoted gecos field in P:U:U:FreeBSD - thx Alan Ferrency
0.98 Jun 23, 2010
- fixed syntax error in OpenVZ module
0.97 Jun 22, 2010
- added a 'xm destroy' method, stop_forcefully when deleting a xen vps
- updated docs in P:U:V:L:Virtuozzo
- when enabling an ovz container, enable the config file before starting
- when migrating a xen container, add container ID to publish ARP invocation
0.96 May 17, 2010
- added unmount_inactive_snapshots to P:U:V:L:Xen
- when creating a new xen snapshot, if snapshot exists and fails
to unmount, fail before attemping to create a new one
- when unmounting a xen disk volume, attempt to destroy snapshots first
- added defined-ness test to $templates in t/VirtualOS.t
0.95 Apr 21, 2010
- OpenVZ transition function was not working as designed. Fixed.
0.94 Apr 19, 2010
- t/linux.t failed on systems with no detected hypervisor. Added test.
- added Cygwin to list of unsupported operating systems
0.93 Apr 16, 2010
- an extra test file snuck into the dist before its time. Fixes so that
the tests work as planned.
0.92 Apr 15, 2010
- added arpsend to xen untransition
- added xen_create_snapshot.t
- added MANIFEST.SKIP to distro
0.91 Apr 12, 2010
- updated P:U:V:L:Virtuozzo call to set_nameservers (moved to $vos)
- added methods get_fs_root and get_ve_home to P:U:V:L:Virtuozzo
- P:U:VirtualOS::set_nameservers would fail if ! -f resolv.conf, fixed.
- added P:U:V:L:[OpenVZ|Xen]::transition - temporary methods
- when migrating openvz accounts, don't start migrated VPS on remote node
unless it's running on the existing node (preserve running state).
0.90 Feb 12, 2010
- fixed typo in P:U:V:L:Xen module.
0.89 Feb 12, 2010
- instead of using system calls result code, check if xen disk image is
mounted after attempt to unmount it.
- increased test VPS disk size from 2 to 4GB
0.88 Jan 18, 2010
- missed an instance of $xen_conf->read_file whose exception was unhandled
- allow VE reinstall via prov_virtual CLI
0.87 Jan 14, 2010
- added eval around $xen_conf->read_file, as it throws an exception if it
fails to find the config file.
- xen destroy would sometimes fail because the disk image was marked as in
use, despite the VE being shut down. Running 'xm destroy' clears that, so
always run 'xm destroy' when stopping a xen VE.
0.86 Jan 06, 2010
- if OpenVZ destroy using vzctl fails, attempt to manually destroy
- when generating a xen config file, use the current MAC address if available
- return MAC address in xen probe results
0.85 Dec 17, 2009
- when doing a xen reinstall, destroy any snapshots that exist. They prevent
the disk image from being removed, which causes the reinstall to fail.
- added ram, disk_size to VE creation tests
- deprecate P:U:V:L:OpenVZ::set_nameservers in favor of P:U:V:set_nameservers
- when modifying an OpenVZ VE, use Linux::set_ips method
0.84 Dec 09, 2009
- added ability to pass the following command line arguments to prov_virtual
--modify: ram, disk_size, cpu, nameservers, searchdomain
- added cpu to list of command line arguments of prov_virtual -create
- added gecos (comment) field to xen console users
- chown console users home dir after creation
- strip off any spaces from prov_virtual --action param
0.83 Dec 02, 2009
- skip get_the_date( bump => 1 ) test if day of month > 27
- added additional debug messages to remoteagent
- when creating a xen VE snapshot, skip sync if VE is not running
- declare methods in P:U:V that are eligible to run via remoteagent
- RAM and disk were not being passed properly by prov_virtual CLI RT#1581201
- added get_config method for Xen & OpenVZ classes, returns config file
- added publish_arp method, that updates switch/routers after moving an IP
- after migrating an account, run the publish_arp on the new HW node
- moved xen snapshot dir from $HOME/mnt to $HOME/snap
0.82 Nov 30, 2009
- changed openvz to expect disk_space to be provided in MB (was GB).
- if config level not passed to openvz create, use ram & disk to generate
config file (previously assigned a default config)
- ignore is_process_running test if it fails
0.81 Nov 23, 2009
- added in P:U:V class, added AUTOLOAD method, which prevents having to add
several more to make P:U:V:* subclass methods publicly available, deleted
get_console,is_present,is_running (they now use AUTOLOAD).
- in P:U:V, renamed mount_disk_image to mount
- in P:U:V, renamed unmount_disk_image to unmount
- in P:U:V, renamed get_console to console
- added P:U:V:probe, which is an alias for get_status
- enhanced and expanded documentation in prov_virtual
- enhanced and expanded docs in P:U:VirtualOS
- added a fix for P:U:V:O:modify, nameserver param wasn't being parsed
- P:U:V::modify didn't have mac_address listed as an optional param
- added test for 'file', and skip archive_expand test if missing (cygwin)
- when creating a VE with prov_virtual, if config is not provided, prompt
for RAM and disk space
0.80 Nov 18, 2009
- altered t/01 so that dist passes CPAN tests more reliably
- made xen destroy console user throw an error instead of exception
- updated (sync with M:T)
0.79 Nov 11, 2009
- suppress some unnecessary debug output
- remoteagent was exiting improperly when a request exited improperly but
did not throw an exception.
- fixed a bug causing set_password to exit with an error, despite succeeding
- when deleting a user, don't remove homedir if it's set to /tmp (sigh)
- added VirtualOS::set_ssh_key (allow setting the SSH key independently of
the root password.
- when referring to a VE/VPS/container/jail, consistently use the term 'VE'
- renamed $vos->*_virtualos to $vos->* (dropped the _virtualos suffix)
- removed a bunch of .pl suffixes from scriptnames in pod docs (match change
made to script filenames a while back).
- P:U:V:modify method had disk_size listed in required and optional scalars
- add POD docs to P:U:V class
- added additional pod docs to P:U class
- added t/01-syntax.t
0.78 Nov 10, 2009
- fixed a bug causing Xen password updates to fail
- when migrating, set new VE to same state as initial VE
- added mount,unmount, and console to prov_virtual CLI prompt
- always unmount disk image after Xen migration
- abstracted duplicate xen VE password logic into set_password_ methods
- xen console ssh key auth wasn't working b/c .ssh dir didn't have owner set
- if hypervm is installed, use lxxen for console login shell
0.76 Nov 05, 2009
- when doing migration, don't try to preserve ACL and ATTR during initial
rsync. Do try on the final rsync. (seems to fail the first time, for
unknown reasons).
- removed test for deprecated P:U:V:Mail
- fixed bug in P:U:V:L:Xen::set_hostname, was passing invalid arg to method
- moved do_connectivity_test to P:U:V from P:U:V:L:Xen (shared method)
- added support for OpenVZ migrations (untested)
0.75 Nov 02, 2009
- completed xen VPS migration feature
- added option to archive a VPS when disabling it (xen only, for now)
- added Xen::unmount_snapshot
- other additions for migration support
- allow create requests to use a URL for the template (as ovz does)
- added P:U:V:L:Xen::create_snapshot, creates Xen snapshots
- added Xen::destroy_snapshot, and mount_snapshot.
- removed and Mail/* stubs. No ETA for start or completion.
- added new_node & connection_test options to prov_virtual, for use with
--migrate feature.
- updated syntax for find_bin to make the binary a positional argument
0.74 Oct 26, 2009
- initial changes to support migrating Xen VEs between HW nodes.
- more robust detection of when a xen VE is actually shut down (versus when
xm utils claims it is).
- added check to prevent mounting a LVM when its still attached to a dumU
- added ability to set VE password via command line
- first argument to Utility::syscmd is positional instead of named parameter
- added more concise and detailed audit messages for VirtualOS class loading
- added VirtualOS::create skip_start option (create a VE but don't start it)
- virtualOS test barks and exits if a v_type that requires templates runs
on a HW node with no templates.
0.73 Oct 13, 2009
- resolved an issue that caused 'make test' to fail on Virtuozzo nodes.
- added ability to resize Xen volumes using LVM tools
- automatically subtract swap partition from disk_size allotment
0.72 Oct 12, 2009
- added timestamp and 'created by P:U' to generated VE config files
- made P:U:V:L:OpenVZ a better OO citizen, so P:U:V:L:Virtuozzo inheritance
works properly.
- further enhancements to modify, tested and working on OpenVZ
0.71 Oct 06, 2009
- if linux disto isn't passed to methods in P:U:V:L class, detect linux distro
- when doing a openvz modify, use P:U:V:L:set_ips instead of vzctl --ipadd
- formatting changes to increase readability
- added cpu to options passed in to create, reinstall, or modify a VE
- added set_hostname and set_ips methods to P:U:V:L:Xen
- openvz call to $user->install_ssh_key had incorrect directory specified
- fixed typo (250 vs 256) in P:U:V:L:OpenVZ::gen_config
- renamed P:U:V:L:Xen::install_config_file to gen_config (same as OpenVZ)
0.70 Sep 29, 2009
- updated API for $util->ask
- bin/install_deps no longer dependent on P:U:Utility
- dropped Solaris Container stubs
- prov_user no longer requires a uid/gid to succeed
- added method stubs in P:U:V:F:Jail for methods required to pass tests
- added note in P:U:V:F:Jails that it's not supported yet. (prevent test
suite from running).
- added method P:U:V:F:Ezjai::get_ve_home
- added enable/disable functions for prov_web & apache
- fail gracefully when reporting last error, if no errors exist
- overwrite /etc/rc.local when creating a new VE
0.69 Sep 25, 2009
- OpenVZ template fetching via URL needs to strip off .tar.gz from the
template filename before using it with vzctl create.
0.68 Sep 24, 2009
- Xen get_fs_root method failed to pass $name argument
- report errors in P:U:V:L:X:get_fs_* methods
- P:U:User:Linux::exists* methods failed for and uig/gid of zero
- P:U:V, added @std_opts and %std_opts, removing 75 lines of redundant code
- replace curl with $util->get_url to fetch kernel modules in P:U:V:L.
- added dir param to $util->get_url, moves d/l file to that dir
- use killall to kill nscd, the pid in the pidfile is oft stale
- added LWP method in $util->get_url if LWP::Simple and URI are installed
- reworked the template fetching logic to be simpler
0.67 Sep 19, 2009
- clean up coding style.
- whittled out 500 lines of code from P:U:Utility
- fixed bug in OpenVZ destroy, wasn't detecting suspended config files
0.66 Sep 18, 2009
- allow ovz suspended config file to be .suspended (as well as .suspend)
- when enabling, disabling, starting, and stopping a VE, succeed if the VE
is already in the target state. Previously, if a 'disable' request was
issued on an already disabled VE, it would throw an error. Etc.
- for xen VE, check for alternate names of kernel and ramdisk, resorting to
a glob of /boot if none of the predefined names exist.
- try unmounting Xen disk images before start (start often fails b/c disk
image is already mounted. This works around that).
- when creating Xen accounts, add dom0 user for xen console
- added method P:U:V:L:Xen:create_console_user
- added method P:U:V:L:Xen:set_nameservers
- added method P:U:V:L:set_ips_debian
- added method P:U:V:L:set_hostname_debian
- added method P:U:V:L:set_hostname_redhat
- Xen create method now sets up console user, ips, and hostname
- Xen create now starts up the VE after creation
- fixed bug in P:U:U:Linux where the homedir was detected properly
- provided a better error message when a remoteagent request fails
- created a default set_nameservers method in P:U:VirtualOS. If the method
exists in the subclass, it gets called. Otherwise, use the default.
- added method P:U:V:L:install_kernel_modules
- added method P:U:V:L:set_ips_redhat
- added test for P:U:V:set_nameservers
- added method P:U:V:setup_log_files (zeroes out /var log files)
- added method P:U:V:setup_ssh_host_keys
- added method P:U:V:L:Xen::get_fs_root
- added method P:U:V:L:Xen::is_mounted
- added method P:U:V:L:Xen::set_libc
- removed method P:U:V:L:Xen::set_ips (moved into
- added P:U:V:L:set_rc_local
- added P:U:V:L:setup_inittab
- modified P:U:U:file_write to write the file to a .tmp file first and then
move that onto the existing file to be created/updated. Safer in cases
where a volume is [mostly] full and the write fails part way through.
- added P:U:V:mount_disk_image
- added better error handling when template extraction fails
- remoteagent returns the last error encountered instead of a generic error
- added method P:U:V:L:set_ips_gentoo
- added method P:U:V:L:set_hostname_gentoo
- modify upstart serial file and disable so console works properly
- added P:U:dump_errors
- added optional kernel_version parameter to P:U:V:create method
- pass the kernel version in calls to P:U:V:L::install_kernel_modules
- added methods P:U:V:L:X:get_kernel_dir & get_kernel_version
- kernel modules tarballs are now relative, provide the full path to tar -C
when extracting.
- completed support for configuring networking on Gentoo
- updated the P:U error handling to provide more succint error messages
- allow passing in of MAC address to Xen creates
- if Xen volume destroy fails, wait 3 secs and try again
- cleaned up a bunch more errors there weren't properly handled
- added optional mac_address to P:U:V:create method
- add all IPs to Xen vif config section (previously only added the first)
- added method P:U:V:L:setup_autologin
- added ssh key restrictions for console logins
- finished setup of Xen console accounts
- cleanup Xen console accounts upon destruction of VE
- P:U:U:file_write safe mode additions weren't safe when append option
selected. fixed.
- P:U:User:Linux, restart nscd after altering passwd files
- P:U:U:L, create /etc/group account before user account
- added call to P:U:V:set_nameservers in P:U:V:L:X:create
- added symlink in /etc/xen/auto for new Xen VEs, and rm it after destroy
- always install custom /etc/rc.local upon VE creation
- added prov_virtual --action=console method (drops shell user into VE)
0.65 Aug 11, 2009
- updated remoteagent, much simpler script now, and no longer requires a
recent version of Getopt::Long (any version will do).
- fixed test error in t/VirtualOS.t
- added more audit messages to virtualos->get_status requests
- on Linux, when install libwww, rename port from standard perl-libwww to
perl-libwww-perl (who thought that one up?)
- added get_version VirtualOS call, which returns the P:U version.
0.64 Aug 07, 2009
- fixed bug in get_template_list. Local templates where returned as a scalar
list where remote templates were returned as a hash list. Return as hashes.
0.63 Aug 04, 2009
- report disabled xen VE as 'disabled' instead of 'broken'
- report ovz state if config file renamed to .suspended (instead of .suspend)
- reworded some ovz audit statements for clarity
- remoteagent will use JSON if JSON::XS is not installed
- updated prov_virtual docs to match interface
- updated OS template fetching logic to retrieve the remote template if it's
newer than the locally cached version.
- added additional error handling logic to get_template and get_template_list
- added --version and --help options to bin/prov_* apps
0.62 Jul 21, 2009
- added pod docs to bin/prov_virtual
- added OpenVZ gen_config method
- added OpenVZ upgrade method
- worked around a bug where Proc::ProcessTable would load but not work
- added OpenVZ unmount_disk_image and is_mounted methods. Before a reinstall
and disable actions, check if disk is mounted and unmount it.
- added a few conditionals to skip tests that fail on IRIX and cygwin
0.61 Jul 08, 2009
- disable, enable, password, and destroy methods accept disk_root param now
- added LWP::UserAgent to the list of dependencies
- made t/utility.t chmod tests non-fatal
0.60 Jul 07, 2009
- fixed a bug in the DNS test
0.59 Jul 05, 2009
- if an ovz VE is already suspended/disabled, succeed at subsequent attempts
- if an ovz VE is suspended, enable it before destroying (vzctl requires it)
- switched default DNS server to NicTool (was tinydns) causing DNS tests to
fail on systems w/o NicTool installed. Added error handling to prevent test
suite breakage under these circumstances, and reset the default DNS server.
0.58 Jun 23, 2009
- fixes for homedir setting on OpenVZ VPS creation
0.57 Jun 11, 2009
- cleaned up audit trail, show less debug info if debug option not specified
- fixed OpenVZ config file creation
- more reliable fetching of templates from remote servers.
0.56 Jun 11, 2009
- fixed a get_the_date test error that caused the test suite to fail
- OpenVZ will create a reasonable default config and use it for new VEs if a
config is not specific (was causing test builds to fail if the template
was too large)
- bumped required perl version to 5.8.0 (testing showed failures with 5.6)
0.55 Jun 10, 2009
- added ability to fetch templates from repo via HTTP
- added extra='console=xvc0' to new Xen ve config files
0.54 May 29, 2009
- do not --save openvz nameservers (causes user customized /etc/resolv.conf
to get overwritten after each reboot/restart.
- added 'url' option to get_template_list, adding support to get template
list and fetch templates from a central repo
0.53 Apr 30, 2009
- further enhancements to error reporting
- VirtualOS/Xen was reporting non-existent ve as 'missing', changed to
'non-existent' for consistency
- added empty is_present methods to FreeBSD virtualos/*, so they pass tests
0.52 Apr 14, 2009
- DNS/NicTool was calling get_zone_id but sub was named get_zone
- abstracted gen_salt out of get_crypted_password and added logic to choose
MD5 on platforms where it's available and fall back to DES if not
- added tests for get_salt and get_crypted_password
- push errors onto the audit stack as well (as error stack)
- added Config::Tiny to list of modules in
- removed 'message => ' named parameter in calls to error ( brevity)
- enhancements to for better error handling and reporting
0.51 Apr 07, 2009
- added bin/
- Xen set_password only tries to set the console password if the user exists
- replaced specific state checks in OpenVZ start with is_running checks
- OpenVZ startup tests are more reliable now.
- don't check results of vzctl --userpassword, since it doesn't return a
valid result.
- added a set_password test to VirtualOS.t
- pass the $user->exists tests, even if the user is missing. Some CPAN
testers like to configure their test environs in interesting ways.
- removed audit calls before syscmd calls b/c syscmd calls audit itself
(remove duplicated messages in audit log).
- removed leading alpha character test for usernames (Linux allows it)
0.50 Apr 03, 2009
- added support for installing SSH keys on OpenVZ
- added support for updating User passwords on Linux
- a section of pod that was inadvertantly being displayed on CPAN web page,
wrapped in a heredoc instead.
- 'xm create' doesn't return anything predictable on busy nodes. Instead,
retry testing to see if the Xen VE has started for up to 15 seconds,
waiting for it to start.
- moved sub install_ssh_key to P:U:User, with calls from P:U:U:Linux,
P:U:V:L:Xen, and P:U:V:L:OpenVZ.
- V:Xen now sets the console password as well as the root password
- updated install_prov_unix. Now installs LWP::UserAgent, instead of failing
to get the latest P:U version. Will also specify the latest version using
the CPAN dist syntax.
0.49 Apr 01, 2009
- bug fix for crypted passwords
0.48 Apr 01, 2009
- added ssh_key parameter to virtualOS create
- added xen::set_password
- added xen::set_fstab
- passing fatal into more Xen methods to trap and handle errors better
- made Digest::MD5 a dependency
- don't test after deleting a group on Darwin, the system has it cached and
thus the test to verify deletion fails.
- fixed command line creation of NicTool domains
- fixed command line creation of Apache vhosts
0.47 Mar 04, 2009
- corrected the regexp from =~ to !~ in Win32 platform check
0.46 Mar 03, 2009
- added fatal => 0 to syscmd calls b/c xm operations don't always
return valid exit codes. In fact, sometimes they don't ever return.
- added a timeout. Xm shutdown likes to hang forever. Timeout and try
an XM destroy. Don't trust the exit status, run a test afterwards
and see if it succeeded. *sigh*
- skip system mkdir test on windows
- check for $user to be set instead of EVAL_ERROR for loading P:U:User
0.45 Feb 17, 2009
- added fatal => 0 to syscmd calls b/c vzctl operations don't always
return valid exit codes.
- return disk results in K and not MB (leave the display units and
conversions to higher level apps)
0.44 Feb 05, 2009
-, changed a bunch of $name.vm instances to get_ve_name()
- OpenVZ, added get_disk_usage
- Xen, a shutdown VE doesn't show up in 'xm list'. Adjust get_status
to return a status of 'shutdown' if the VE exists but isn't running
- OpenVZ, formatted state result value to be consistent with other
virtualization methods
- get_status also returns disk usage in results
- state now reports non-existent and suspended ve's
- status now reports OS template for openvz nodes
- added OS reinstall option in
0.43 Feb 02, 2009
- updated install_prov_unix, run CPAN install if new version detection
- Xen, updated get_status to use get_ve_config_path sub. More reliable
detection of VE config file.
- VOS tests clean up test VE at the end of the tests
- xen 'blocked' state reports as running
- get_template_dir returns a (true) message if the template dir setting
isn't defined in provision.conf
- added ezjail_template_dir = /usr/jails/flavours in provision.conf
- only test for templates on virt platforms that have them
0.42 Jan 30, 2009
- vzctl lies. :( In some instances, it will do exactly what you tell it,
but fail to return an exit code stating such. Thus, we no longer base
our tests on its result codes but on subsequent test we run.
- $u->error defaults to print the last error message on the stack when
called with no message param
- added template selection based on contents of template cache instead of
hard coded template names
- syscmd now traps STDERR output and only displays it if the command failed
- added a custom create for V:L:Virtuozzo. It requires a
different invocation for container creation than OpenVZ
0.41 Jan 29, 2009
- test suites are the most wonderful things! Mine blew up, and
rightfully so. VirtualOS tests now go find a template in the
configured or detected template directory.
- A number of xen config file tests were failing because they weren't
all in sync. moved logic into get_config_file_path which is called
from numerous methods.
- added P:U:V:L:Virtuozzo (inherits OpenVZ)
- added better error handling and reporting for OpenVZ container
methods, added DNS server type detection, and better error handling for
DNS and Web tests when provision.conf isn't configured.
0.40 Jan 23, 2009
- added P:U:V:S:C->new()
- updated dependency lists to match what's being used
- Changed LWP call from decoded_content to content (more compatible with
older versions of LWP::UserAgent).
- a few tweaks for Xen container control
- is_process_running doesn't use a -w on Solaris (unsupported)
0.39 Jan 21, 2009
- More descriptive error messages when tests are skipped
- changed #!perl to #!/usr/bin/env perl (hopefully more portable)
- prov_virtual prints out the result object from $prov invocations
- lowered min perl version to 5.6 to see what tests blow up
- print diagnostic info if is_process_running fails
- updated version of remoteagent
- added version support to install_deps and Getopt::Long dependency
- a missing provision.conf is no longer fatal.
0.38 Jan 18, 2009
more tweaks so that 'make test' completes successfully on more
OS platforms
0.37 Jan 16, 2009
t/Utility had group hard coded as wheel. Failed on some Linux distros
imported Max's Xen::Config
P:U:V:L:Xen->get_status now returns the containers ips
and disk volumes (as element disks)
added bin/install_prov_unix
added - read/write Xen config files
0.36 Jan 14, 2009
Commented out unused DNS::TinyDNS code (I wrote my own)
replaced ExtUtils::MakeMaker with Module::Install
- more control over META.yml
- optional requirements can be specified as such
- additional control over indexing functions
added bin/remoteagent
upgraded bin/install_deps
virtualization type is now detected instead of a config file setting
- t/VirtualOS.t updated accordingly
template_dir settings in provision.conf are now honored
Added module::install to bin/
Darwin->exists_group is more reliable
added bin/update_prov_unix installer script
- shares code from bin/install_deps, moved 2 subs into
0.35 Dec 29, 2008
added more logic to tests to suppress false positive failures
fixed a few places where ternary operator was misused
specified bin/prov_*.pl in Makefile.PL, EXE_FILES so they get
installed with 'make install'
0.34 Dec 16, 2008
added is_enabled method to
added class
added supporting code for Xen provisioning
added options to create: nameservers, searchdomain, ram
added $prov->{etc_dir} setting
P:U->audit returns audit arrayref when called
0.33 Dec 10, 2008
refinements and a test suite for OpenVZ
added disable, enable methods to OpenVZ
added modify method to OpenVZ
0.32 Dec 07, 2008
added openvz creation support for linux
added user creation support for Linux
0.31 Nov 12, 2008
fixed Darwin user creation bug:
0.30 Nov 10, 2008
added license=>'perl' to Makefile.PL
initial coding of VirtualOS module begun
added Virtual::OS::FreeBSD::Ezjail
created Ezjail->create
0.29 Oct 19, 2008
added bin/, add zones & records, delete zones
0.28 Oct 09, 2008
reworked guts of user creation modules
altered t/utility.t so tests will pass on systems w/o sudo installed
tests pass for user/group. create/destroy works on Darwin & FreeBSD
0.27 Sep 28, 2008
Initial release on CPAN
0.01 Jun 28, 2008
Imported provision related functions
wrote a new terminal based status bar for providing interactive feedback