1.20130615 2013-06-15 America/Los_Angeles

 - bug fixes and purge unused classes

1.20130614 2013-06-13 America/Los_Angeles

 - Added whitelist feature
 - SMTP: remove Subject: Report-ID <braces>
 - SMTP: more types of SMTP errors are stored and reported
 - dmarc_send_reports: added verbose option
 - dmarc_view_reports: fix for searches with MySQL backend

1.20130612 2013-06-11

 -  dmarc_view_reports: improve gentoo support by adding /usr
    to search path for GeoIP DBs on gentoo - Benny Pedersen

1.20130610 2013-06-10

 - tolerate receiving reports with no records (ahem, hotmail.com)
 - simplify SMTP flow-of-control, additional SMTP tests
 - avoid the join/split of binip in SQL::populate_agg_records
 - replace carp with warn in several places (more legible warning)
 - added RUA validity checks to dmarc_lookup

1.20130605 2013-06-05

 - in aggregate reports, group by IP and auth results (was only IP)
 - refactored SQL::retrieve_todo into 3 methods, added tests
 - SQL: added unique constraint on domain.domain

1.20130604 2013-06-04

 - main branches are master (devel) and releases (more obvious)
 - added mailing list impact FAQ
 - SQL: removed record.rcpt_dom
 - corrected a XML schema error
 - index.html
    - widened disposition column
    - only show rcpt domain in record (subgrid)
    - corrected subgrid row_id
 - additional validation of aggregate reports

1.20130601 2013-05-31

 - make sure a report record exists when fetching SMTP todo
 - added insecure SMTP fallback if STARTTLS fails
 - added color coded results to HTTP grid

1.20130531 2013-05-30

 - added gzip support to HTTP server, compressed JS files
 - reason is internally an arrayref of hashrefs (was a single hashref)
 - documentation additions
 - removed unused JS files
 - add validation and fixup of SPF result for incoming reports
 - normalized domain columns in spf & dkim tables

1.20130528 2013-05-28

 - bump major version to 1
 - normalized domain columns in report_record
 - fixups to handle reports with invalid formatting
 - improved handling for IMAP SSL connections
 - made internal represention of Mail::DMARC::dkim & spf consistent
   with their aggregate report representation

0.20130528 2013-05-27

 - updated Send/SMTP to use report::aggregate
 - switched back to gzip reports (instead of zip)
 - dmarc_view_reports, added filtering ability, GeoIP location

0.20130524 2013-05-23

 - added bin/dmarc_httpd
 - added bin/dmarc_view_reports
 - renamed: dmarc_report -> dmarc_send_reports

0.20130521 2013-05-21

 - check for report_record existence before insertion
 - SQL: added report_record.count column
 - subclassed aggregreate reports into Report::Aggregate
   - consolidates two agg. rep. generation methods to one
 - SQL: added table report_error
 - updated SQLite schema with native column types

0.20130520 2013-05-19

 - added bin/dmarc_receive (via IMAP, mbox, or message file)
 - added report retrieval via IMAP
 - extract sender domain from subject or MIME metadata
 - SQL: added author.extra_contact
 - SQL: removed 'NOT NULL' requirements for values often missing from incoming

0.20130517 2013-05-17

 - send reports with zip until 7/1, gzip after
 - replace Socket 2 with Socket6 (better Windows compatibility)
 - added parsing of incoming email reports
 - added author and domain tables
 - added three related columns from/rcpt/author ids to report table
 - add email hostname to MX list when attempting SMTP delivery
 - during report delivery, check report URI max size

0.20130515 2013-05-15

 - use File::ShareDir to access share/*
 - added external reporting verification

0.20130514 2013-05-14

 - moved DNS settings into config file
 - fixed a case where disposition was not set
 - added bin/dmarc_report
   - sends email reports with Email::MIME & Net::SMTPS
 - deletes reports after successful delivery
 - required Socket 2 (correct IPv6 handling)
 - several SQL schema changes
 - has_valid_reporting_uri does validation now

0.20130510 2013-05-09

0.20130507 2013-05-07

 - added sql and MySQL schema
 - added bin/dmarc_lookup
 - replaced Regexp::Common IP validation with Net::IP (perl 5.8 compat)
 - added Results.pm tests
 - added full section numbers to Draft quotes

0.20130506 2013-05-06

 - added Result and Result/Evaluated.pm
 - consolidated DNS functions into DNS.pm
   - uses Regexp::Common, requiring perl 5.10.
 - Mail::DMARC::Policy is well defined and tested
 - setting up package