0.07  Sun Mar  1 12:32:44 PST 2015
    * Update metadata to point at Github.
    * Discourage use of this module, there are better solutions.
    * Clarify the license link in the documentation.

0.06  Sun Sep  3 18:06:03 EDT 2006
    - Minor test fix for slightly different perldiag. [rt.cpan.org 11647]

0.05  Fri Dec 31 01:38:29 EST 2004
    - Added a license and copyright.  [rt.cpan.org 8229]
    - Fixed it so assert and affirm don't leak out from internal use of
      Carp::Assert [rt.cpan.org 6298]
    - Now using Test::More for tests.

0.04  Sun Oct 19 22:18:59 PDT 2003
    * Class::Virtually::Abstract was missing a $VERSION
    - Using @ISA instead of base.pm to avoid the odd base.pm bug.

0.03  Fri Mar  2 01:33:07 EST 2001
    * Officially distributing Class::Virtually::Abstract
    * Virtual responsibility was leaking across all virtual classes
    - Started using Carp::Assert

0.02  Fri Feb  9 13:17:34 GMT 2001
    - Fixed wierd bug with fully qualified Carp::carp calls.

0.01  Tue Nov 28 03:03:35 GMT 2000
    - First working version released to CPAN.