Revision history for Perl extension Cache::Historical

0.05  (2011/04/27)
    (ms) Removed debugging leftover Data::HexDump.

0.04  (2011/04/24)
    (ms) Stringifying DateTime object in test suite to make it
         works with is() in perl-5.10.1
    (ms) Applied patch by Niko Tyni to correct values() sort order
    (ms) Fixed POD error reported by Mats Erik Andersson

0.03  2008/02/09
    (ms) Using DB features for faster get_interpolated() now.
    (ms) Added missing keys() method and test cases for keys()/values()

0.02  2008/01/23
    (ms) Fixed bug with since_last_update(), which didn't pass the
         key along to last_update().

    (ms) Bumped up SQLite version number to 1.14 to get rid of 
    'closing dbh with active statement handles' warning.

0.01  2008/01/12
    (ms) Where it all began.