Revision history for Perl module SMS::Send::Driver::Webservice
0.08 2025-01-02
- Moved license from Perl to MIT
- Moved from private repo to GitHub
0.07 2017-10-12
- Added warnings and debug properties to support Kannel driver updates
0.06 2017-10-18
- Updated HTTP::Tiny constructor to disable keep_alive
0.05 2017-10-17
- Added HTTP::Tiny constructor
- Moved LWP::UserAgent as Lazy loaded package
0.04 2016-01-09
- Dropped author tests from distribution
0.03 2015-12-02
- Updated test to pass on Win32 and other Unix-like systems
0.02 2015-11-29
- Updated Documentation and examples
0.01 2015-10-20
- original version; forked from SMS::Send::TextPower