Revision history for Perl extension Sub-WrapInType

0.05 2021-03-07T20:03:29Z
    - Support skip_invocant option and add wrap_method function (kfly8++)
    - Support check option and type checking can be controlled through the PERL_NDEBUG or NDEBUG environment variables.

0.04 2020-12-12T14:15:19Z
    - Fix the version of Type::Tiny

0.03 2020-09-27T12:41:30Z

    - New format support `wrap_sub($param, ...)`

0.02 2020-09-26T17:52:53Z

    - support multiple return values

0.01_02 2020-02-24T20:11:41Z

    - fix module name

0.01_01 2020-02-24T19:50:34Z

    - original version