Revision history for Perl extension App-GitHubWebhooks2Ikachan
0.10 2014-04-07T02:29:11Z
- Support `commit_comment` and `pull_request_review_comment` event
0.06 2014-04-01T03:39:10Z
- Improve function to squash duplicated commits
0.05 2014-03-14T08:33:30Z
- Suppress stack trace on accident
- Support debug mode
0.04 2014-03-11T04:39:11Z
- Change handling of PATH_INFO
0.03 2014-03-11T04:21:08Z
- Up version of dependent module (Getopt::Long)
0.02 2014-03-10T03:02:39Z
- Complement leading sharp in path info for channel name
0.01 2014-03-09T11:21:40Z
- original version