0.10004 2011-03-28
	- ported from Net::Twitter 3.16000
	- fixed: methods requiring HTTP DELETE failed with OAuth
    - doc fix: use verifier in request_access_token call
    - always use SSL for token exchange

0.10003 2010-05-27
    - fixed ssl test: skip_all if Crypt::SSLeay is not available

0.10002 2010-05-27
    - fixed: set correct url to https when ssl is specified RT#57889

0.10001 2010-05-26
    - fixed "plan twice" error in unicode test

0.10000 2010-05-21
    - production release, ported from Net::Twitter 3.13003

0.09002_03 2010-05-13
    - ported from Net::Twitter 3.13002_03
    - handle DELETE HTTP method (for Lists API)

0.09002_02 2010-05-12
    - ported from Net::Twitter 3.13002_02
    - Added Lists API support

0.09001 2010-05-10
    - removed Try::Tiny from unicode test to avoid an additional dependency
    - Fixed unicode test, aburch (Ansgar Burchardt)

0.09000 2010-05-09
    - New API methods (from Net::Twitter): friendships_incoming,
      friendships_outgoing, geo_id, retweeted_by, retweeted_by_ids,
    - Added XAuth support (method xauth)
    - Fixed: Net::Twitter::Lite::Error - needed overload fallback => 1
    - Fixed: utf8 encoding error for latin1 using Basic Authentication (ported from Net::Twitter)

0.08006 2009-12-15
    - Ported from Net::Twitter:
      - netrc/netrc_machine changes from Net::Twitter
      - trends_available/trends_location API methods
      - documented lat/long parameters to update
      - added users_search/find_people API method
      - updated apiurl default to http://api.twitter.com/1
    - Fixed: retweeted_{to,of}_me API URLs (RT#52784)

0.08005 2009-11-02
    - Return user_id and screen_name from request_access token (ported from Net::Twitter)

0.08004 2009-10-22
    - Fixed: cached request_token resulted in stale authentication/autorization urls
    - Added better runtime error message when SSL support is missing

0.08003 2009-10-13
    - Added new API method: report_spam

0.08002 2009-10-12
    - ported support for multipart/from-data posts, used by update_profile_image and
      update_profile_background_image, from Net::Twitter
    - Improved error message when Net::OAuth is not install or version is inadequate
    - Changed nonce generation to remove dependency on Digest::SHA
    - Doc patch: created_at, not time (thanks to Blair Christensen RT#50313)

0.08001 2009-09-10
    - URI 1.35 causes utf8 encoding problems; require 1.40 (thanks to Dan Boger, @zigdon)
    - Removed deprecated is_authorized from examples in pod (thanks to Nigel Metheringham)

0.08000 2009-08-27
    - Ported get_authentication_url from Net::Twitter
    - Work around perl bug requiring encoded hash keys when client uses "use utf8"

0.07000 2009-08-14
    - Removed JSON::DWIW as a handler (no support for JSON::Any's utf8 option)

0.06002 2009-07-29
    - Fix: spurious OAuth signature failures (ported from Net::Twitter)

0.06001 2009-07-28
    - Fix: OAuth / unicode conflict

0.06000 2009-07-28
    - Bug fix: OAuth signatures on POST requests (Galen Huntington)
    - Unicode fixes

0.05000 2009-07-09
    - Added ssl and netrc arguments to new

0.04001 2009-07-07
    - Added documentation for the required callback param to
    - New nonce algorithm to eliminate potential duplicates on forked

0.04000 2009-06-27
    - Added support for the "authenticate" parameter to API methods

    - Twitter API update:
        - Added screen_name and user_id parameters to new_direct_message
        - Added show_friendship method (friendships/show.json)

0.03001 2009-06-20
    - Fixed Basic Auth regression error

0.03000 2009-06-20
    - Added OAuth 1.0a support
    - Added examples using OAuth

0.02002 2009-06-11
    - Reverted the 'forceauth' feature; it requires too recent LWP::UserAgent

0.02000 2009-06-07
    - Added support for the saved_searches API methods

0.01001 2009-06-06
    - Fixed: accept extra args as a hashref (search behaved this way in 2.12)

0.01000 2009-06-06
    - non-Moose variation of Net::Twitter