0.01006 2010-05-28
    - Added DESTROY to delete file backing for un-inserted rows
    - Added TODO tests for multi-create failure pending DBIx::Class::Row patch

0.01005 2009-08-10
    - bug fix: aliased column names (Moritz Onken)
    - skip test to accommodate older DBIC releases without make_column_dirty

0.01004 2009-05-14
    - don't rely on {_column_data} for deflate values

0.01003 2009-04-17
    - use DBIx::Class::UUIDColumns for get_uuid rather than inheriting from it
    - fixed infinite recursion on create with fs_new_on_update column(s)
    - added copy method

0.01002 2009-03-17
    - fs_new_on_update: new file name on update (Moritz Onken)
    - fix: ->delete with multiple fs_columns (Moritz Onken)
    - fs_file_name: factored out file name creation (Moritz Onken)

0.01001 2008-12-02 11:32:00
    - added SUPPORT section to POD
    - use ->result_source->column_info (mst)

0.01000 2008-10-07 13:18:00
    - release

0.00000_04 2008-10-06 16:10:00
    - used base class DBIx::Class::UUIDColumns for it's multiple UUID
          provider support
    - added POD tests

0.00000_03 2008-10-04 15:20:00
    - store only the path name below fs_column_path

0.00000_02 2008-10-04 11:25:00
    - reimplemnted with UUID based filenames
    - dropped ::SHA1

0.00000_01 2008-09-30 08:45:00
    - First development release