Revision history for LWP-UserAgent-Mockable

1.16  2016-08-01 15:38:05 BST
        - Github #3 Cleared up dependencies on Test::Internet and Test::RequiresInternet

1.15  2015-09-28 10:57:50 BST
        [BUG FIXES]
        - RT#107252 Test failures if cannot be reached
        - Test suite should now run in parallel without failures

1.14  2015-09-23 09:34:27 BST
        [BUG FIXES]
        - RT#107252 Test failures if cannot be reached

1.13  2015-09-22 17:44:32 BST
        [BUG FIXES]
        - RT#101744 Tests hang without network connectivity (MANWAR)
        - POD tidy
        - Switched to Github issues from RT bugtracker

1.12  2015-09-22 10:18:36 BST
        - Use Safe::Isa instead of UNIVERSAL::isa (KPETERS)

1.11  2015-09-10 10:22:09 BST
        [BUG FIXES]
        RT#100193 - Fails with perls > 5.21.3
        - Created github repository
        - Built via Dist::Zilla 

1.10    2009-05-25
        - Allowed resetting of the action within a session.  Some error
        messages changed as a result, but no other API changes.
        - Get around HTTP/1.0 only proxies failing unittests.

1.01    2009-05-18
        No functionality changes
            - Added dependancy on URI to avoid spurious test failures

1.00    2009-04-19
        No functionality changes
            - Added dependany on B::Deparse
            - Update unittests to be quicker

0.90    Date/time
        First version, released on an unsuspecting world.