Revision history for Struct-Path-PerlStyle
0.93 2019-12-11
- hooks: default val substitution corrected
- str2path: bare zero as a key parsing fixed
0.92 2019-03-03
- back() renamed to BACK()
- return undef when not an int passed to BACK()
- return 1, but do nothing when zero passed to BACK()
- docs fixed
0.91 2018-12-16
- move to new Struct::Path format for hash regs
- cosmetics
0.90 2017-07-27
- parser rewritten using Text::Balanced, angle brackets used for aliases
- hooks now is a full featured perl expressions (evaluated using
- hash keys regexp evaluation improved
- documentation improved
0.80 2017-12-22
- path structs format changed, exported subs renamed to avoid ambigouseness
- deprecated hook '<<' support removed
- don't serialize two indexes as range
- redundant code removed, SYNOPSIS rewritten
0.73 2017-11-05
- tests for scientific notation or a floating-point numbers fixed
0.72 2017-11-05
- drop support for perl <= 5.008 (regexp_pattern absent in re pragma)
- spaces as hash keys delimiters are deprecated (ambigous)
- hash keys regexps serialization supported
- hash keys regex parsing fixed and improved
- parsing/serialization escape sequences in hash keys fixed
- sane errors for undefs as array indexes on path serialization
0.71 2017-10-15
- ranges composer in ps_serialize() optimized a bit
- $_ mangling in ps_parse() fixed
0.70 2017-07-19
- aliases initial support added (highly experimental)
- another attempt to fix tests for win32
- filters/operators renamed to hooks
- errors log's step index fixed, unification
0.64 2017-06-19
- '<<' hook renamed to 'back', ('<<' is deprecated now)
- tests fixed for win32 (I hope =)
0.63 2017-03-31
- don't quote numbers used as hash keys in ps_serialize()
- refactoring, small tests improvements
- tests fixed for dev perl (5.25.9)
0.62 2017-03-01
- regexp match filter (=~) added
-croak if unclosed brackets used in path
0.61 2017-02-21
- steps count corruption fixed in '<<' if closure used more than once
- 'eq' filter fixed (doesn't croaks now) for undefs
0.60 2017-01-22
- no backwards compatibility for filters (operators): should be in
parentheis now (filters still is highly experimental future)
- filters now may have arguments
- 'eq', 'defined' and 'not' filters added
0.44 2017-01-12
- double quotes used in ps_serialize()
- escape control characters in ps_serialize() (\t,\n,\b and so on)
- pod corrected
0.43 2017-01-03
- quote non ASCII keys in ps_serialize()
- escape/unescape quoting characters
- tests improved
0.42 2016-12-18
- Quote key in ps_serialize() unless key is simple word (match /^\w+$/)
0.41 2016-12-06
- '<' (step back) operator is deprecated ('<<' must be used instead)
- tests improved
0.40 2016-11-19
- regexp match for hash keys specification supported
0.33 2016-10-20
- docs corrected
0.32 2016-10-16
- bare numbers as hash keys now works correctly
- get rid of list context for ps_serialize()'s out (ambigous)
- tests refactored
0.31 2016-09-13
- ps_serialize() now returns list of serialized steps in list context
0.30 2016-09-12
- Operators support added to ps_parse()
0.24 2016-09-09
- passed path corruption fixed (for multiword keys)
0.23 2016-07-17
- perl 5.10 and below compatibility fixed for ps_serialize()
- more strict hash definition check for ps_serialize()
- tests improved
0.22 2016-07-15
- Keys with spaces/tabs now quoted in ps_serialize()
- Croak if floating-point array index definition passed to ps_parse()
0.21 2016-07-07
- Refactoring
- Tests coverage improved
0.20 2016-06-28
- Path structure changed according Struct::Path's v0.20
0.05 2016-06-03
- ranges supported in ps_serialize()
0.04 2016-05-31
- ps_serialize() implemented
0.03 2016-05-30
- unstarted/unfinished ranges correctly handled in ps_parse()
0.02 2016-05-27
- multiple bugfixes, cosmetic changes
0.01 2016-05-19
- ps_parse() implemented
- working draft