Revision history for Log-Log4Cli

0.21    2018-02-25
        - die with objects are used for die_* in eval blocks

0.20    2017-12-30
        - save exit code in global $STATUS when die_* used in eval block
        - die_fatal used for CORE::GLOBAL::die
        - notice level removed
        - tests improved, refactoring

0.19    2017-10-09
        - use croak instead of die (file:line in $@ fixed)

0.18    2017-08-23
        - replace 'notice' (deprecated) loglevel by 'alert'
        - pod fixed

0.17    2017-05-01
        - docs improved
        - refactoring

0.16    2017-04-14
        - use die if die_* invoked in eval block

0.15    2017-03-24
        - color for notice changed to bold white

0.14    2016-10-16
        - pod corrected

0.13    2016-10-16
        - tests corrected (win must pass as well)
        - docs slightly corrected

0.12    2016-09-27
        - tests significantly improved
        - get rid of eval_fatal (ambigous)

0.11    2016-08-18
        - docs corrected
        - loglevel tests added

0.10    2016-06-26
        - eval_fatal() and log_notice() added
        - refactoring

0.09    2016-06-17
        - die_notice() added

0.08    2016-06-11
        - sufficient documentation added.

0.07    2016-05-17
        - main functionality implemented.
        - prestable

0.01    2016-05-04
        - inital commit, draft.