Revision history for Net::Rapidshare

0.07   2010-02-20
       * Updated enablersantihack
       * Removed POD file. POD now resides in PM

0.06   2009-12-20
       * Fixed META.yml error

0.05   2009-12-20
       * Added getreward & setreward
       * Added 'fileids' options for listfiles
       * mirror2,mirror3 options in setaccountdetails now creates a single
          'mirror' string to pass to Rapidshare 
       * Rename file now requires login. Does not use killcodes anymore
       * Flipped 'Changes' around so that latest changes are on top
       * Added META.yml

0.04   2009-07-27
       Fixed Typos, extra files in distro

0.03   2009-07-27
       Fix formatting bugs in POD

0.02   Sun Jul 26 12:50:00 2009
       Added link lists

0.01   Sat Jul 18 11:14:24 2009
       Initial release.