Revision history for Perl extension Tree::Dag_Node::XPath.

0.11 2010-08-24

  - fixed bug RT #60602 (
    xpath_get_next/previous_sibling methods are aliased backwards found and
    fix provided by trlorentz

0.10 2009-04-24

  - fixed bug rt #44248 (
    bug found and patched by dakkar

0.09 2008-10-09

  - added docs for a few aliased methods, to keep Test::Pod::Coverage happy


  - removed requirement for 5.8.4 (5.6 should be enough)

0.06 2006-01-24

  - switched the module to using Tree::XPathEngine to remove
    the dependancy on XML::Parser (which requires expat).

0.04 2004-05-22

  - the fake root is now created on the fly, so it leaves the
    original tree untouched

0.03 2004-05-20

  - redesigned version (quite a bit simpler), with a lot more tests
    (including tests that fail with XML::XPath 1.13)

0.02 2004-05-18

  - first working version

0.01 2004-05-17
	- original version; created by h2xs 1.23 with options
		-X -n Tree::DAG_Node::XPath