Revision history for Validate-Tiny
0.982 2012-05-08
Fix a bug with $vt->data croaking if no input fields are
0.981 2012-04-26
Empty fields array will now process all input fields
0.98 2012-02-01
Fix whitespace glitch in filter 'strip'.
Move tests to different files.
Write more tests.
0.38 2012-01-25
Added dependancy info in META
0.37 2012-01-20
Add is_required_if closure
0.35 2012-01-16
Fix stock closure logic when handling not-required fields.
Test not only if the value is defined, but also if it is
an empty value.
0.32 2012-01-12
Ge back to using List::MoreUtils and Exporter
(under pressure from reddit users)
0.31 2012-01-11
Add credits in POD
0.30 2011-01-10
Lower minimum required Perl version to 5.8
add is_a, is_like, is_in constraint closures
0.21 2011-12-09
Add "single" parameter to method "error_string".
Fix typos and enhance POD.
0.20 2011-12-08
Add method error_string
0.10 2011-12-08
Typos in POD fixed.
0.09 2011-10-07
Update Test::More dependency to 0.94 (needed for subtest)
Remove dependency from List::MoreUtils
0.08 2011-09-17
Fixed croak issue with missing fields
Add undef checks
0.06 2011-07-25
Add object interface
0.05 2011-07-22
Edit meta files
0.01 2011-07-01
First version, released.