Revision history for Perl extension Devel-Cover-Report-Coveralls
0.07 2014-06-16T04:36:24Z
- depend JSON::XS to JSON::PP (thanks fioux, karenetheridge)
0.06 2013-07-14T13:23:11Z
- fixed pod (thanks dsteinbrunner)
0.05 2013-05-27T07:18:02Z
- need Devel::Cover 1.02 (cover -test exists with the staus of the underlying test run)
0.04 2013-05-22T12:55:18Z
- fixed bugs at coveralls API result broken (thanks songmu)
0.03 2013-05-22T10:04:22Z
- fixed document
- remove debug print (thanks songmu)
0.02 2013-05-08T06:18:23Z
- fixed test at travis ci
0.01 2013-04-15T07:34:55Z
- original version