MiniVend 2.02 - Multiple Shopping Carts and mSQL
* mSQL support
* Added [msql hash|array|html|param] SQL code [/msql] , [msql list SQL code]
substitution-list [/msql], [item-param n] tags
* Added MsqlDB, MsqlProducts, CreditCardAuto, SeparateItems,
Locale catalog directives
* Untrapping of Safe op codes defined in global minivend.cfg with
SafeUntrap directive (249 and 148 by default)
* Better credit-card checksum validation, with conditional
PGP encryption that can be embedded in order email
* Fixed [if explicit ...] tag
* Removed CreditCards directive
* Greatly improved search reliability
* Added search sorting
* Multiple shopping carts (buy/sell)
* Automatic installation of File::Lock module on Solaris
* Improved PGP support
* Removed standard Des capability
* Improved stop script to kill non-responders (with -f option) and
clean up sockets/pidfiles
* Configuration bugs fixed (ownership and SampleUrl)
* Added (if_loop_field) to [loop list], make separate from [item-list]
still compatible with old
* Loop lists can now be quoted values, still no embedded ]
MiniVend 2.01 - Maintenance Release
* Added modifier variables to user values
* Encapsulated code to prevent dying on catalog config and execution
* Improved makecat scripts
* Corrected silly duplication of files
* Improved [selected] and [checked]
* Fixed minor demo problems
* Changed IRIX locking to flock()
* Changed configure to set ForkSearches to NO on SunOS and OSF/Alpha
MiniVend 2.0 - The ISP release
* Multiple independent and shared catalogs
* Embedded Perl code using (still has memory leak?)
* Range searching in the TextSearch module (add Glimpse)
* Discount policy
* UPS lookup shipping calculation
* Multiple configurable attributes (size/color, etc)
* Order profiling allows multi-level screens
* New tags [loop item,item...]value[/loop], [modifier-name attribute]
and [item-modifier attribute]
* Added [else][/else] to [if_field]
* Demo much improved
* Removed MAT
* No option for svend in installation, must install manually
* No option for netstart
* Made Solaris default to full support, still needs File::Lock
* Fixed library ordering problem
* Many reliability improvements
MiniVend 1.03 - Multiple servers and disconnected searching
* Multiple servers can be run for the same catalog
* Searches are forked so single-server installations will
not see delays while searching
* Cookie support
* Quantity price breaks
* Revamped demo yet again
* Order lists can be displayed anywhere
* Nameable order and search pages
* Accessories feature
* Added TaxShipping, NonTaxableField, PriceField, DescriptionField,
AlwaysSecure, ExtraSecure, HammerLock, MultiServer, PageCheck,
PriceBreaks, MixMatch, Cookies, Specialpage, Database directives
* Searches are now independent on database field
* Fixed bugs in match paging
* Arbitrary table-like text formatting with [row] [column] elements
* Vend variables available with [if][else][/else][/if]
* Configuration script now handles multiple installs, and
GCC is recognized
* Code somewhat modularized
* Pages are checked for fatal errors before server starts???
* Static mode will be almost unusable unless the Apache
Perl_fast mode is used (not supported or explained)
* MAT now displays error logs???
* Unlimited databases
* Special pages are mapped
* [data database field key] tag added
MiniVend 1.02 - SSL Security
* Revamped demo to have fewer frames
* Added CreditCards, EncryptProgram, FrameOrderPage, SecureOrderMsg,
SecureURL directives to configuration
* Added __secure suffix to target of [pagetarget] element, allows secure
transmission of arbitrary pages
* Added [process-target target secure] element
* Added [secure-order] element
* Improved "match exactly" search, removed bug that could crash
program (not the system)
* Added Imagemap behavior for forms, uses the
variable to pass "client-side" maps
* Added TCP-based link program and to allow
TCP-based communication (no auto installation). THIS IS A
@ Fixed bug causing session close if bad quantity entered
MiniVend 1.01 - Extensive changes
* Added [salestax], [subtotal] tags
* Added CustomShipping, DefaultShipping, Backend, SalesTax,
and Tracking directives
* Added backend order entry in the tracking DBM database
* Added order archiving in the tracking DBM database
* Added page stats in the tracking DBM database
* Added custom shipping charges with shipping.asc file
* Added sales tax calcuation with salestax.asc file
* Changed name of vendadm/avend to MAT
* Documented all of the above
* Added example backend order entry programs (bin/entord and
MiniVend 1.0a - Fixed minor configuration and catalog bugs 2/13/96
MiniVend 1.0 - Extensive changes to the documentation 2/11/96
and programs to change the name.
* Added [random] element and Random directive for random
messages embedded in pages
* Added [help item] element and Help directive for inline
help messages
Version 0.2m8
* Added [body n] element and Mv_Background, Mv_TextColor,
Mv_BgColor, Mv_LinkColor, and Mv_VlinkColor directives
for user-customizeable appearance
* Added [buttonbar n] element and ButtonBars directive for canned
button bars
Version 0.2m7
* Added and support, now much faster when
running in server mode
* Made locking more portable by using module
* Changed configure script to support server mode
* Added VendRoot/etc dir to hold socket, pidfile, and conf files
* Docs still don't discuss all this, next version
Version 0.2m6 Splinter version by Mike Heins - February 3, 1996
* Added client-side imagemap support
* Added tags
[areatarget page target]
[area page]
* Added comma prices with PriceCommas directive
* Configuration utility for installation
* Improved documentation for all
* Added frames demo
* Deleted [search][/search] tag
* Regularized variables over, vendpage,
* Added password check on
* Changed default file names to make ready for NT version
Version 0.2m5 Splinter version by Mike Heins - January 26, 1996
* Added frame support
* Add tags [pagetarget page frame][/pagetarget]
* vendadm(8L) utility added to help administer Vend
Version 0.2m4 Splinter version by Mike Heins - December 28, 1995
* Subdirectory capabilty added ('/' added to $codere)
* Search engine added to search product index (ASCII)
* Search engine added to search page tree (glimpse, untested)
* Add tags [search][/search]
* Product codes put in dbm files, with makedb command to make them
from ASCII source
* Fourth field (page location) added to product file
* vendpage(8L) utility added to help maintain tree
Version 0.2
svend.c cleaned up
configuration directives now get correct default values
Version 0.1
initial release