Revision history for Perl extension WebService-Slack-WebApi

0.19 2025-03-08T08:20:04Z
    - fix CI #58
    - add support for Slacks new file upload implementation #57

0.18 2021-02-06T13:56:26Z
    - add oauth.v2.access method (thx mikkoi)
    - pass token by HTTP header instead of POST body (thx mikkoi)

0.17 2020-12-12T10:48:35Z
    - allow user to decide the HTTP user agent (thx mikkoi)
    - correct parameter for (thx mikkoi)
    - depends on JSON instead of JSON::XS (thx mikkoi)

    # Breaking change
    Requirement for Furl has been changed from `requires` to `recommends`. But it is still default
    user agent. You may need to install explicitly it to use default behavior.

0.16 2020-11-28T14:02:16Z
    - correct parameter name for conversations.join (thx mikkoi)
    - replace deprecated method in README (thx sironekotoro)
    - add Test::Exception to META file
    - avoid using `use` specified version

0.15 2019-01-21T15:21:08Z
    - add bots and bigration (thx poptix)

0.14 2019-01-09T14:01:25Z
    - add conversations and dnd (thx poptix)

0.13 2018-01-20T08:11:30Z
    - add users.profile methods

0.12 2017-11-19T05:30:02Z
    - add the method (thx zostay)

0.11 2017-11-05T13:00:39Z
    - fix test (thx ivanwills)

0.10 2017-09-30T08:54:20Z
    - fix chat.update (thx zostay)
    - fix requirement

0.09 2017-09-08T16:29:30Z
    - add/update some methods (thx AnotherOneAckap)

0.08 2016-08-12T01:57:54Z
    - fix test (thx ArcticSnowman)

0.07 2016-08-11T03:53:40Z
    - add users.identity method (thx zostay)

0.06 2016-01-11T03:33:47Z
    - add client options

0.05 2015-08-06T15:04:31Z
    - add reactions methods

0.04 2015-06-06T01:12:56Z
    - add method
    - add team methods

0.03 2015-05-08T06:36:17Z
    - change attachments's type from Str to ArrayRef
    - allow extra arguments

0.02 2015-05-08T04:29:21Z
    - add 'as_user' argument to chat.postMessage method (thx Likk)

0.01 2015-02-13T13:15:21Z

    - original version