Revision history for PONAPI-Server

0.002009     2016-Jan-29
             * Added `ponapi` CLI utility
             * dist.ini updates
             * Document updates

0.002008     2016-Jan-28
             * Bug fix: allow zero-values in attributes
             * Server can now take config dir constructor parameter

0.002007     2016-Jan-24
             * Corrected content-negotiation rules.
             * Fixed POD

0.002006     2016-Jan-20
             * Fixed Kwalitee errors
             * Support extra url-decoding for values
               with header 'X-PONAPI-Escaped-Values: 1'
             * dist.ini updates
             * Document updates

0.002005     2016-Jan-19
             * Member-name checking for incoming requests
             * Links to repository in dist.ini (Alexandr Ciornii)
             * Increased testing coverage
             * Document updates

0.002004     2016-Jan-14
             * Fix dist.ini (DBD::SQLite)

0.002003     2016-Jan-14
             * Plack version >= 1.0029
             * Updated dist.ini (AutoPrereqs)

0.002002     2016-Jan-14
             * Removed dependency (Path::Class::File)
             * Updated dist.ini (AutoPrereqs)

0.002001     2016-Jan-14
             * Removed dependency (Hash::MultiValue)

0.002000     2016-Jan-13
             * First CPAN release

0.001006     2016-Jan-13
             * Removed DAO object dependency from exceptions
             * Moved Constants, Exception & Repository outside of DAO namespace
             * Improved testing
             * Document updates

0.001005     2016-Jan-08
             * Improved testing (debugging code)
             * Increased test coverage (sort/page parameters)
             * Document updates

0.001004     2016-Jan-07
             * Set minimum version for File::Path (2.04)
             * Set minimum version for Test::Simple (1.001014)

0.001003     2016-Jan-06
             * Set minimum version for Plack::Middleware::MethodOverride (0.15)
             * Send Conten-Length header in response
             * No body with a 204 response
             * Fixed abstracts
             * Reduced dependencies (Storable, Scalar::Util)
             * Improved testing (multiple clients)
             * Document updates

0.001002     2015-Dec-17
             * Support Perl 5.10+ (was 5.14)
             * Reduced dependencies
             * Improved testing
             * Document updates

0.001001     2015-Dec-15
             * Docuemnt updates

0.001000     2015-Dec-15
             * The Big Bang!