-*- mode: text -*-

Revision history for Perl extension Unix::Syslog.

0.94  Sun Aug 20 23:25:00 2000
	- (Makefile.PL) Added '-lc' to LIBS which seems to be
          necessary to compile Unix::Syslog on NEC EWS4800 machines
          (reported by Oota Toshiya <oota@ppd.fc.nec.co.jp>).

        - (Syslog.pm) Fixed severe bug in documentation of
          setlogmask() and the according macros.

        - (README) FAQ synched with pod section in Syslog.pm

0.93  Wed Mar 15 19:20:40 2000
        - Changed author's e-mail address to <marcus.harnisch@gmx.net>

        - Synched the version number of the module with the actual
	  version of Unix::Syslog

        - Fixed some typos in the documentation

0.92  Sun Nov 28 15:24:15 1999
	- (README): Corrected a big howler and some other stuff

0.91  Sun Oct 24 17:47:03 1999
	- (README): Minor corrections

0.90  Sun Feb 20 19:32:34 1999
        - Finally finished documentation

0.01  Thu Aug  6 20:51:16 1998
	- original version; created by h2xs 1.18