Revision history for Finance-Nadex

0.06    9/7/16 11:46:43 CST
        Enables selection of live platform or demo platform
        Fixes cancel order functionality

0.05    6/22/16 23:30:01 CST
        Updates base urls for NADEX API changes
        Updates client version

0.04    2/3/16 04:30:22 CST
        Updates login method to match NADEX API changes

0.03    3/3/15 11:30:10 CST
        Allow increments of 25 cents in the price level of an order

0.02    2/3/15 06:26:06 CST
        Finance::Nadex::get_time_series() now returns a list of Finance::Nadex::Contract objects
        when the designated market is either '5 Minute Binaries' or '20 Minute Binaries'

0.01    2/1/15 17:26:19 CST 
        First version