Revision history for Config-Context
0.10 2005-Nov-06
- there are no changes to the Config::Context itself in this
release. The only changes are to the test suite.
- this version should pass all its tests under Cygwin and native Windows
- fixed test failures when running the distribution on a remote
filesystem where the timestamp of created files cannot be
changed to the current time
- fixed problem in one of the tests that loaded a writable
Config::Scoped file under windows
- fixed warnings about test XML files not having explicit
character encodings (in newer versions of SAX::Parser::PurePerl)
- fixed a test error in includes.t that made it fail on
case-insensitive filesystems
- fixed test failures on some platforms where Cwd::abs_path
fails on a non-existent file
- fixed some bugs in file-caching.t
- in test "Modify before (short) statconfig: Caching ON: objects identical"
- wrong configs were being compared
- cleared the config cache before test
- fixed warning in includes.t when tests are run without Config::General installed
- changed misc/ to misc/
- changed t/skip_lib to t/prereq_scenarios
0.09 2005-Aug-12
- fixed a bug in the tests for testing module prerequisites
- it is now possible to run the test suite while simulating the
absense of specific config modules. To run the test suite
multiple times (each with a different selection of absent
modules), run:
$ perl misc/ t/*.t
To customize this process, see the instructions at the top of
0.08 2005-May-??
- documentation fixes
0.07 2005-May-06
- improved error messages when one or more of a driver's
prerequisite modules are missing
0.06 2005-May-04
- Minor documentation fixes
- config option to new:
- removed the requirement to specify a driver
- added test case
- added 'files' method
- changed Config::General feature detection
- suppress warnings that appear under "perl -w" but not under
"use warnings" (for removing warnings during test suite)
- changed 'lower_case_names' in Config::Context::XMLSimple from
an error to a warning
- fixed XMLSimple driver so that system fails gracefully when
XML modules are not installed
- fixed tests to detect all prereqs of driver, instead of just
a single module (this was done mostly for XML::Simple which
depends on three modules)
0.05 2005-Apr-24
- First internal version, based on Config::General::Match 0.04
- added Config::Scoped support
- added caching features from CGI::Application::Plugin::Config::General
- added XML::Simple support
- modified test suite to support multiple drivers