Revision history for CGI-Application-Plugin-Config-General
0.08 2009-10-25
- fixed test that broke due to change introduced into
version 3.11. (RT #19758).
- Changes of interest to module maintainers only:
- switched to using MANIFEST.SKIP
- fixed the makedocs script to work with more recent pod2html
- source repo now on github:
0.07 2005-07-30
- added pointer to CGI::Application::Plugin::Config::Context,
which supercedes this module
- minor documentation fixes
0.06 2005-03-15 (unreleased)
- added some docs regarding the file caching system
- improved performance of the caching system by switching
from File::Spec->rel2abs() to Cwd::abs_path()
(seems the former uses Cwd::cwd which spawns /bin/pwd)
0.05 2005-03-08
- fixed the strategy used to determine the module name - now you
can initialize the config object method in a superclass of the
web application, but App and AppMatch will still correctly
match on the package name of the actual web application.
0.04 2005-01-30
- fixed some documentation errors
0.03 2005-01-29
- added missing prerequisites
0.02 2005-01-29
- added some more tests to increase coverage
- Changed to Module::Build
- first CPAN release
0.01 2005-01-27
- First version