Revision history for Perl extension File::Tail.
0.01 Fri Nov 28 09:44:06 1997
- original version; created by h2xs 1.18
0.5 Fri Nov 28 12:25:13 MET 1997
- original version; created by
0.6 Thu Dec 4 14:16:59 MET 1997
- assigning error values to $! didn't work. Replaced with croaks.
- passing only the filename didn't work.
0.7 Mon Jun 1 17:23:23 MET 1998
- implemented tied interface
- implemented non-blocking read (against my better judgement)
- implemented more flexible error handling a-la Net::Telnet
- implemented ignore_nonexistat
Release of 0.7 was delayed because I wanted to see if Tied
Handle handling will include select in 5.005. After two people
sent me their tied interfaces, I figured maybe it was time to
release it before implementing select :-)
implemented wantarray handling in READLINE
implemented some tests for make test
documented the tied interface in synopsis (Duh!)
- implemented tail -n functionality