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Revision history for Config-YAML

1.27    2004-11-13 1235EDT now listed as a dependancy (dur).
        More/better tests for get() and set() methods.
        Documentation improvements.

1.22    2004-10-03 1945EST
        In new(), the 'config' and 'output' parameters must now be the
        first and (still optionally) second parameters passed. This is
        so that they can be repeated, allowing the user to set their
        own non-special 'config' and 'output' parameters in the actual
        configuration hash.

        Doc tweaks to reflect this as well as more general tweaks.

1.21    2004-10-02 1448EST
        Doc cleanups

1.00    2004-10-01 1550EST
        First version, released on an unsuspecting world.