Change history for Net-Easypost

0.19        2017-05-13
            - Add support for CustomsInfo & CustomsItem object to support international shipping
            - Remove default Country of US
            - Updated Net::Easypost::Address to support all fields returned in the API
            - Address verification is currently broken; apparently it hasn't worked since v2 of the Easypost API was released ... oops.

0.18        2016-01-05
            - Add JSON as dependency in dist.ini
0.17        2016-01-05
            - Remove Mojo::UserAgent in favor of HTTP::Tiny
0.16        2015-12-29
            - Minor changes, mostly formatting and build configuration
            - Now have an explicit cpanfile and Makefile.PL in the release in case some don't want to use Dist::Zilla
0.15        2015-03-18

0.14        2015-03-04

0.13        2014-05-27

0.12        2014-05-22

0.11        2014-05-21

0.09        2013-07-31
            Don't be so clever when passed a hashref in get_rates
            (Fixes RT#87493)
            Fix failing tests in t/01-basic.t
            Add test for RT#87493
            Add CPANfile to dist.ini

0.08        2013-05-19
            Seriously. Fix rate number test.

0.07        2013-05-16
            Check carriers against a regex
            For reals, make IO::Socket::SSL 
                a dependency

0.06        2013-05-15
            Make IO::Socket::SSL a prereq
            Check rate against regex

0.05        2013-05-14
            Fix post request method due to 
                Mojo deprecation warnings

0.04        2013-05-13
            Changed abstract
            Fixed dependency (Thanks Graham Knop)
            Fixed t/01-basic.t

0.03        2013-01-19
            Update URLs in POD
            Removed Data::Printer
            Return actual endpoint error codes 
            instead of inspecting JSON.

0.02        2013-01-13
            New endpoint
            Updated test suite

0.01        2012-12-04
            Initial release