2.20201019.2 2020-10-19 UTC
- VMC MUST have a .pem extension
- Option to limit redirects followed by http client
http_client_max_redirect / MAIL_BIMI_HTTP_CLIENT_MAX_REDIRECT
- Fix bug in cacheing VMC Author Domain
- Fallback to selector, not default
2.20201013.2 2020-10-13 UTC
- Fix bug in cacheing VMC Indicators
2.20201013.1 2020-10-13 UTC
- Crypt::OpenSSL::X509 1.812 is packaged in buster, and is good enough
- Don't try and cache Certificate objects
2.20201006.1 2020-10-06 UTC
- Require newer Crypt::OpenSSL::X509 object
Older versions will not extract extensions properly
- Don't fail if an indicator won't decode from a VMC
2.20200930.1 2020-09-30 UTC
- Add cacheing for remote calls
- Class to model a retrieved indicator
- Add SVG download and verification against spec
- BREAKING CHANGE: location and authority are now singular
- Consistent error reporting
- Improved pragmas class
- System wide options
- Added SVG Profiles
- Retrieval and verification of VMC
- Extract Indicator from VMC
- Command line helper app
- Added evidence ptypes
- Added BIMI-Indicator header
- Add DMARC policy strength requirement
- General cleanups
1.20200226 2020-02-26 UTC
- Update README
1.20200214 2020-02-14 UTC
- Improve tests
- Fix incorrect abstracts
1.20200210 2020-02-10 UTC
- Tests now use Mocked DNS Zones
- Allow SPF object to be checked for +all
1.20200129 2020-01-29 UTC
- Fixed prereqs
1.20200107 2020-01-07 UTC
- Fix for BIMI records using multiple txt parts
1.20200103 2020-01-03 UTC
- Fix tests for perl 5.20
1.20200102 2020-01-02 UTC
- Refactoring internal code, this is a breaking change!
1.20180122 2018-01-22 Australia/Melbourne
- Declare Mail::DMARC in dependencies
1.20170626 2017-06-26 Australia/Melbourne
- First release