Change log for Mail::AuthenticationResults

1.20200331.1 2020-03-31 03:31:13+00:00 UTC
        - Treat an undefined value as emptystring in search

1.20200108 2020-01-08 03:38:09+00:00 UTC
        - Added as_json method to return structured JSON
          version of an instance.
        - Properly parse strings beginning with a .

1.20180923 2018-09-23 13:39:01+10:00 Australia/Melbourne
        - Added a 'has' search property to allow searching
          for results whose children match a given search.
        - Add a header 'isa' type to search for top level
          header entries within a group.
        - Add an 'authserv_id' search type to search for
          headers from a given authserv-id within a group.

1.20180518 2018-05-18 10:10:03+10:00 Australia/Melbourne
        - Consider CR properly when parsing an entry.

1.20180328 2018-03-28 21:35:34+11:00 Australia/Melbourne
        - Folding of headers rendered as string for
          the Mail::AuthenticationResults::Header object.

1.20180314 2018-03-14
        - Correctly stringify zero
        - Method to remove chindren from an instance

1.20180215 2018-02-15
        - Perl 5.8 compatability

1.20180211 2018-02-11
        - Test improvements
        - Coverage improvements
        - Stringify and validation improvements

1.20180113 2018-01-13
        - Added safe set methods
        - General improvements

1.20171230 2017-12-30
        - Improve test suite
        - Add search method
        - Improve parser

1.20171226 2017-12-26
        - First Release, Module for handing Authentication-Results headers.