0.04 2018-07-30
- Bool type checks now work properly with Type::Tiny 1.004000 and later.
0.03 2016-04-04
- Added a new WebService::TeamCity::Entity::Build->artifacts_dir method. This
downloads the zip archive of the build's artifacts and extracts it to a
temporary directory.
0.02 2016-03-31
- Fixed a bug where creating an iterator for a response with no items to
iterate over would lead to an error being through when you called
$iterator->next. This is now handled sanely, and next() returns undef like
it should.
- Added a WebService::TeamCity::Entity::TestOccurrence->unknown method for
tests where the status is set to UNKNOWN.
0.01 2016-03-07
- First release upon an unsuspecting world.