1.005000 2017-07-07
- Added support for custom inputs. You may set up custom inputs from your
account portal.
- Added the following new values to the /payment/processor validation:
- american_express_payment_gateway
- bluesnap
- commdoo
- curopayments
- ebs
- exact
- hipay
- lemon_way
- oceanpayment
- paymentwall
- payza
- securetrading
- solidtrust_pay
- vantiv
- vericheck
- vpos
- Added /device/session_id, /device/session_age inputs and /email/first_seen
1.004000 2017-01-04
- This module now uses namespace::autoclean to remove imported functions from
the namespaces of modules.
- Updated API to work with the latest GeoIP2 release, which uses
namespace::autoclean to remove imported functions from the namespace.
Previously, this module relied on has() being in the namespace of the model
- Updated the docs for the WebService::MinFraud::Record::BillingAddress and
WebService::MinFraud::Record::ShippingAddress classes' is_postal_in_city
method to no longer say that it is US-only
1.003000 2016-11-21
- The disposition was added to the minFraud response models. This is used to
return the disposition of the transaction as set by the custom rules for the
1.002000 2016-11-11
- Added the new input /credit_card/token.
1.001000 2016-10-10
- Added the following new values to the /event/type validation:
password_reset and email_change.
1.000001 2016-09-15
- Remove outdated beta notice.
1.000000 2016-09-15
- Added the following new values to the /payment/processor validation:
concept_payments, ecomm365, orangepay, and pacnet_services.
0.004000 2016-06-08
- credits_remaining has been removed from the web service models and has been
replaced by queries_remaining.
- Added queries_remaining and funds_remaining. Note that funds_remaining
will not be returned by the web service until our new credit system is in
- Added device confidence and last_seen to minFraud Insights
0.003000 2016-05-23
- Added support for the minFraud Factors.
- Added IP address risk to the minFraud Score model.
- Added the following new values to the /payment/processor validation:
ccnow, dalpay, epay (replaces epayeu), payplus, pinpayments, quickpay, and
- Setting the locales on the client now sets the locales in the model objects
as documented
- An WebService::MinFraud::Error::IPAddressNotFound is no longer erroneously
thrown if a 404 is received.
- Some bugs in the HTTP error status handling were fixed.
- When validating a request body, this module no longer validates the TLD on
domains to prevent false errors due to new gTLDs.
- Added tests for WebService::MinFraud::Client that uses mocked user agent.
0.002000 2016-01-21
- The warning "input" has been restructured to be "input_pointer"
- brand and type added to credit_card
- device id added
- email is_free and is_high_risk added
0.001003 2015-08-03
- Remove trivial hash values from the request for stricter validation
0.001002 2015-06-30
- Improve POD
0.001001 2015-06-29
- First release