Revision history for Perl extension Email::Valid.

0.13 Tue Jan 16 13:25:57 PST 2001    
        - Only load Net::DNS module if required

0.12 Thu Jul  8 22:26:41 PDT 1999
	- Added details() method to determine why an
          address check fails.  Thanks to Otis Gospodnetic
          for the suggestion.      
        - Global Net::DNS::Resolver object is now used for
          DNS queries when Net::DNS is available.  Can be accessed 
          directly to tweak the resolver behavior.
        - The address() method now returns an additional
          value (an instance of the Mail::Address class)
          when called in a list context.  
        - Updated documentation.

0.11 Wed Jul  7 04:33:58 PDT 1999  
        - Changed name to Mail::Address

0.09 Thu Apr  8 17:21:15 PDT 1999
        - Added Mail::Address to PREREQ_PM to list
          dependency, as suggested by Achim.
        - Moved to t/valid.t as suggested by Achim.
        - DNS lookups now use Net::DNS if available, falling
          back to nslookup if not.  Suggested by
          Lupe Christoph.
        - Modified documentation
        - Renamed Email::Valid::NSLookup to Email::Valid::DNS,
          which is now responsible for all DNS queries.
	- Removed a couple of warnings when running under -w
	- Bug handling AOL local rules fixed
	- local_rules() now defaults to off

0.07 Tue Jan 12 02:04:57 PST 1999
	- Mail::Address module is now required
        - Added Email::Valid::NSLookup module to
          encapsulate DNS lookups -- now we can
          add additional classes to use other utilities.
        - Fixed problem with spaces thanks to David Birnbaum.
        - Renamed a couple of the parameters -- old names
          should still work.

0.06 Tue May 26 14:27:34 1998
        - Modified named parameter parsing

0.05  Mon May 11 00:56:00 1998
        - fudge() now defaults to false
        - Modified documentation
        - Changed behavior of fully_qualified

0.04  Thu May  7 16:42:00 1998
        - Added support for Mail::Address objects
        - Added positional/named parameter calling style
        - Updated documentation

0.01  Fri Mar  6 22:19:54 1998
        - original version; created by h2xs 1.18