Revision history for File-Open

1.0103  2023-03-26
        - Document `fopendir` and `fopendir_nothrow`.
        - Switch from Test::More to Test2::V0.

1.0102  2017-04-16
        - Don't rely on '.' in @INC.

1.0101  2016-02-13
        - Implement fopendir().
        - Fix hyperlinks in documentation.
        - Don't use Exporter features that exist in 5.57+ only.

1.0001  2013-10-22
        - Add some examples to documentation.

1.0     2013-08-17
        - Minor code cleanup.

0.100   2013-05-15
        - Support default layers set with 'use open'.

0.032   2013-05-14
        - A bit more documentation for layers and methods.

0.031   2011-08-17
        - Skip failing tests on windows.
        - Switch to Dist::Zilla.

0.03    2011-08-16
        - Try to run on 5.6.
        - Don't rely on tmpdir either; get a unique scratch test directory.
        - Disallow \0 in filenames.

0.021   2011-08-08
        - Fix build failure on 5.8.
        - Don't rely on CWD being writable for testing.

0.02    2011-08-04
        - First version, released on an unsuspecting world.