CHANGES for Text::TagTemplate
$Id: CHANGES,v 1.10 2004/05/11 07:38:35 matisse Exp $
Version 1.81
Supressed warnings when replacement string empty.
Version 1.8
Minor tweak to how I handle the case where the replacement value for the tag
is empty. The previous method had a bug where replacement values of 0 (zero)
got removed.
Version 1.7
Changed version number to 1.7 because CPAN doesn't handle
'dot releases' properly. This version is idential to 1.6.1
Version 1.6.1
Fixed bug in parse() where attribute values containing the = character
were not handled properly in embedded tags. So
was is now handled properly.
Added META.yml file.
Version 1.5
Matisse Enzer (that's me) takes over maintenance of module.
Tags can now be embedded inside other tags, e.g.
<#address city="<#city>" phone="<#phone type="<#work>">
Version 1.4
More docs changes.
Version 1.3
Renamed to Text::TagTemplate, revision history starts again on this file,
about ready to upload to CPAN.
From the Text::SimpleTemplate days:
Version 1.25
Many documentation changes, hashes-for-hashrefs added, test harness added.
Version 1.16
Template-searching all gone, HTML and URL escaping added, example app fixed,
seems good for release.
Version 1.3
Added template-searching, documentation, example application, fixed a few bugs.
Version 1.2
First usable OO version. Lacking some of the things it needs, but it works OK.
Pre-Version 1.2
Was a library called SFI::Parser that was hacked up and sewn back together
again into an OO module.