Revision history for perl distribution Dist-Setup

0.13 - 2024-04-11

 - Fix a typo in the MANIFEST.SKIP file.
 - Add support to specify the keywords and no_index META directive.

0.12 - 2024-04-10

 - Query CPAN for the 001-cpanfile.t test so that not all modules of a given
   distribution needs to be updated. Make this be an extended test, as it now
   makes network requests.
 - Add the missing File::SharedDir and File::ShareDir::Install dependencies in
   the cpanfile.

0.11 - 2024-04-07

 - Clean the cover_db with the `make clean` command.
 - Add support to set a homepage in Makefile.PL
 - Allow to not install the dependencies of all the features in the GitHub CI
 - Don’t write the Makefile postamble under solaris which does not have GNU
   make by default.

0.10 - 2024-03-01

 - Don’t create backup of the source files when running aspell.
 - Add the README files to the MANIFEST.SKIP
 - Let the user run our distribution tests manually without setting
 - Only recommends instead of requiring Devel::Cover.

0.09 - 2024-02-05

 - Improve spell checking for Perl files by manually calling the `context`
   aspell filter (instead of using the `perl` mode that does not work well).

0.08 - 2024-02-04

 - Update the Git repository name to match the name of the binary.

0.07 - 2024-02-04

 - Add POD documentation to the perl_dist_setup script and Dist::Setup module.
 - Improve the support for the `make cover` target.

0.06 - 2024-02-03

 - Be more permissive with regex in PerlCritic
 - Add a Test::CPANfile test to check that all dependencies are listed.
 - Support for uploading the distribution right from the Makefile.

0.05 - 2024-02-02

 - Add the missing Test2::V0 dependency in the cpanfile.

0.04 - 2024-02-01
 - Various fixes related to GitHub CI.

0.03 - 2024-01-30
 - Cleaner new lines in generated files.
 - Generate a barebone Changes file if not already present.
 - Use the Lancaster consensus environment variable in GitHub CI and tests.
 - Add a test for the syntax of the POD file.
 - Add support for spell-checking the files (and testing it).
 - Add perlcritic and perltidy supports.

0.02 - 2024-01-26
 - Added support for GitHub CI and dev container.
 - Fix spurious new lines being added at the end of the templates.
 - Add support for a cpan-upload command in the Makefile.
 - Fix a bug with a badly name MANIFEST.skip file.

0.01 - 2023-12-27
 - Initial release