College Basketball Bracket System

1.11    2015 Mars 16
        - 2015 data loaded

1.10    2014 Mars 29
        - sum regional scores to get total score (fix)
        - stay on perfect player pages when editing
        - fix round > 2 team advancement
        - update to 2.1.0 of jQuery

1.09    2014 Mars 23
        - (re)build manifest to add new css files

1.08    2014 Mars 23
        - responsive design
        - add upsets picked
        - show region scores on player home

1.07    2014 Mars 16
        - 2014 data loaded

1.06    2013 Mars 17
        - 2013 data loaded

1.05    2012 Mars 12
        - 2012 data loaded
        - edit cutoff time configurable in bracket.conf

1.04    2011 Mars 21
        - Counts of picks made (region and final4)
        - Counts of correct picks made
        - Refined Player home page view
        - /update_player points works fully and fast (new default)
        - Refined admin links
        - created is_game_time function to stash cutoff time
          used in views

1.03    2011 Mars 13
        - 2011 Data loaded.

1.02    2010 Mars 28
        Bug Fix:
        * Championship game pairings
        * Increased cookie expiration to 3 weeks to reduce logins
        New features:
        * Create /round_out page to mark the round teams go out.
          This is used to strike them out in subsequent rounds.
        * update_points/ which is much faster than /update_player_point,
          but only tested on MySQL so far.
1.01    2010 Mars 19
        Bug Fix: 
        * Create BracketTestSchema to support Catalyst::Test tests

		* Activate /qa page to help verify that lower seed winners 
		  have been marked correctly.
1.00    2010 Mars 18
        Bug Fix: 
        * Final 4 matchups (generalize to handle any year)

        * Regional Edits cut-off time added
        * More cleaning of un-needed parts
        * View refinements

0.99    2010 Mars 17
        Bug Fix: 
        * correct deploy dsn reading from conf which recently changed.
        * change Team result class so SQLite can deploy.

        * Better deploy wording
        * Clean out un-needed files
        * Added some POD

0.98    2010 Mars 16
        - Make a proper MANIFEST.SKIP to keep junk out of distribution.

0.97    2010 Mars 15
        - Prepare for general release

0.03	2010 February 27
        - Change project name to "Bracket"
        - Updated namespace to use new name.

0.02	2009 March 18
        - 2009 NCAA Bracket Edition
        - changed to use ncaa_2009 as database (instead of ncaa)
        - Add better mouse support on hover of team.

0.01	2008 March 17
        - initial revision, generated by Catalyst