Revision history for Perl module Net::Facebook::Oauth2.

    - update to Graph API v3.1
    - allow custom API version setting (GH#15)
    - new method debug_token() to fetch access token metadata from Facebook
    - new method get_long_lived_token() to upgrade access tokens
    - add missing dep
    - documentation updates

0.10  2016 2016-10-14
	- Update to Graph API v2.8
	- add missing deps
	- minor code tidying
	- documentation improvements
	- trigger warning when API is about to deprecate
	- update example and readme to v2.8
	- All changes in this release contributed by (Breno G. de Oliveira)

0.09  2015 2015-03-25
	- Code clean (Breno G. de Oliveira)
	- Using JSON::MaybeXS instead of deprecated JSON::ANY (Breno G. de Oliveira)
	- Update Facebook graph API to version 2.2 (Breno G. de Oliveira)

0.08  2013 2013-10-10
	- Bug fix reported by Emad Fanous, adding query to already existing one
	- Update Changes File

0.07  2013 2013-08-21
	- Updating MANIFEST file to include examples folder

0.06  2013-05-28
	- Allow Browser options to pass in by & tests (William Bellamy)
	- Changed behavior to access_token & tests by (Takatsugu Shigeta)

0.03  2012 2012-09-01
	- Fixed some bugs
	- Fixed documentations and examples
	- Added more examples

0.02  2010-07-29
	- Fixed some methods
	- Added better documentations
	- Added more examples