Revision history for Perl module JavaScript::Duktape

2.2.1 2017 2017-06-22
	- remove debug code left by mistake
	- update docs

2.2.0 2017 2017-06-02
	- add sandboxing options and methods, timeout and max_memory
	- update docs
	- make dll.t test optional

2.1.5 2017 2017-05-26
	- update duktape engine to version 2.1.0

2.1.4 2017 2017-05-20
	- fix when converting circulat javascript objects to perl
	- fix pushing circular perl objects to javascript
	- code refactoring and perltidy

2.1.3 2017 2017-03-23
	- minor failing test fix

2.1.2 2017 2017-03-19
	- update duktape v2.0.2
	- fix error message without messing with duktape stack
	- fix strong references issue
	- remove undocumented cache method
	- code refactoring

2.1.1 2017 2017-03-10
	- bug fix: perl push any string look like a number as number to duktape

2.1.0 2017 2017-02-23
	- adding some missing old duktape builtins
	- rename new method in Vm ( redefine warning )
	- minor code cleanup

2.0.0 2017 2017-01-24
	- update duktape to version 2.0.0

1.0.2 2016 2016-05-03
	- bug fix double free of the same heapptr
	- adding more objects tests
	- fix warning message Use of "shift" without parentheses is ambiguous in tests
	- upgrade duktape to v1.5.0

1.0.1 2016 2016-04-07
	- bug fix undefined arguments not getting through (Rodrigo de Oliveira)
	- add undefined arguments test (Rodrigo de Oliveira)

1.0.0 2016 2016-04-01
	- stable api release
	- adding (this) method
	- deprecate passing duk instance as first argument to functions
	- new methods (to_object, to_perl_object, get_object)
	- new class JavaScript::Duktape::Object
	- fix nested perl sub call when throw an error (Rodrigo de Oliveira)
	- fix preserving error value by localizing $@ on destruction (Rodrigo de Oliveira)
	- adding objects tests
	- adding nested perl sub call with exceptions (Rodrigo de Oliveira)
	- adding typescript test (Rodrigo de Oliveira)
	- update Duktape to v1.3.2 (Rodrigo de Oliveira)
	- adding examples

0.3.0 2015 2015-11-07
	- adding utf8 string api "get_utf8_string"
	- update perl functions to use get_utf8_string by default
	- utf8 tests

0.2.1 2015 2015-11-03
	- Fix deep recursion circular objects
	- deep recursion test

0.2.0 2015 2015-11-01
	- Adding Duktape Buffer support
	- adding nested objects tests

0.1.1 2015 2015-10-24
	- upgrade duktape to version 1.3.0
	- fix broken tests with duktape new version

0.1.0 2015 2015-07-29
	- Adding dlopen and dlclose functions

0.0.5 2015 2015-07-16
	- JavaScript::Duktape::Data -> JavaScript::Duktape::NULL
	- Adding push_pointer and get_pointer support

0.0.4 2015 2015-06-17
	- fix 'typemaps' is not a valid config option for Inline::C by requirung last Inline & Inline::C versions
	- fix documentation example

0.0.3  2015 2015-06-13
	- Development Release
	- updating Duktape engine to v 1.2.2

0.0.2_1  2015 2015-05-20
	- 3rd Development Release
	- Code Clean
	- Fix JMPENV_POP issue
	- adding LICENSE

0.0.1_2  2015 2015-05-17
	- Seocend Development Release
	- More tests
	- Code Clean

0.0.1_1  2015 2015-05-07
	- First Development Release