Revision history for App-MakeEPUB

v0.3.2 Tue Dec  7 16:40:29 CET 2021
	- move on GitHub
	- examples/rfc/bin/ concatenate paragraphs that were
	  interupted by a pagebreak
	- examples/initramfs-man: create EPUB for man pages of programs in

0.3.1 Mon Apr  1 09:11:37 CEST 2013
	- repaired some character set issues in the POD

0.3.0 Sat Mar 30 16:24:12 CET 2013
	- automatically sort html files for toc.ncf and spine if option
	  --spine was not given
	- change the pattern for level 2 navigation in toc.ncf with option

0.2.0 Sun Mar 17 18:55:21 CET 2013
	- use HTML::TreeBuilder to look for items for the table of contents
	- option -tocdepth in bin/make-epub to allow table of contents with to
	- added example how to generate EPUBs from RFCs

0.1.1 Fri Mar  8 10:34:08 CET 2013
	- option to change the name of the output file

0.1.0 Fri Mar  8 10:09:31 CET 2013
	- generates complete EPUB file 
	- does not clutter the original dir

0.0.3 Thu Mar  7 08:21:08 CET 2013
	Generates META-INF/container.xml if necessary.

0.0.2 Wed Mar  6 22:58:15 CET 2013
	First version using App::MakeEPUB

0.0.1  Wed Jan  2 07:51:28 2013
       Initial release.