Revision history for Class-DBI-Plugin-Pager

0.563 Mon August 16 03:54:00 2012
    - maintainance release

0.562_01 Mon August 13 00:25:00 2012
    - maintainance developer release. fixing test case that was broken because SQL::Abstract
        (patch from Ansgar Burchardt and Tim Retout)
    - SQL::Abstract 1.61 is now required
    - new co-maintainer Nikolay S. (~MAJESTIC)

0.561 Sun July 31 15:10:00 2005
    - avoid bug in Class::DBI::Plugin::AbstractCount 0.04 which dies if a WHERE clause 
        includes keys that are not columns (specifically,  { 1 => 1 } ) (patch from 
        Will Hawes)
    - unspecified WHERE clause defaults to {} (equivalent to { 1 => 1 }, i.e. retrieve all)
    - fixed warnings issued when less than a full set of positional arguments 
        are supplied - reported by Ask Bjorn Hansen
    - new dependency on Test::Warn

0.56  Fri June 17 09:45:00 2005
    - don't die, just warn (and don't install pager() method) in import()
        if can't find the CDBI class (Chia-liang Kao - making it safe for 
        perl -MClass::DBI::Plugin::Pager which some system uses to check if 
        a module can be loaded). 

0.55  Sat Jan 15 00:50:00 2005
    - fixed _setup_pager() to pass $self->abstract_attr in the 
      count_search_where() call (reported by forehead)
    - added retrieve_all() method (requested by forehead)

0.54  Fri Jan 14 23:10:00 2005
    - can now pass the where clause as an ARRAYREF when using 
      positional arguments (reported by Gabor Szabo)

0.53  Fri Dec 17 22:25:00 2004
    - caught up with changes in Data::Page v2 

0.521 Fri Dec 10 17:00:00 2004
    - fixed quoting bug in Build.PL (reported by Max Maischein)

0.52 Thu Dec 9  23:10:00 2004
    - patch to accept order_by arguments in the
      same way as CDBI::AbstractSearch uses (Vince Veselosky)
    - reorganised test files a bit, added POD tests

0.51 Sat Oct 23 01:31:00 2004
    - minor POD fixes, REALLY added LimitYX subclass

0.5  Sat Oct 23 01:31:00 2004
    - minor POD fixes, added LimitYX subclass

0.4  Fri Oct 22 00:41:07 2004
    - original version; created by h2xs 1.21 with options
        -XAn Class::DBI::Plugin::Pager