0.19 - Sun Mar 11 17:05:49 PDT 2007
 - Added get_homepage()

0.18 - Tue Feb 20 10:35:31 PST 2007
 - Added get_tag()
 - Added put_workspacetag()
 - Added delete_workspacetag()
 - Fixed collection methods in scalar context
 - Too many version bumps since last release

0.15 - Mon Feb 12 17:16:27 PST 2007
 - Added method to return previous HTTP::Response object
 - Added support for breadcrumbs, backlinks, frontlinks
 - Added docs for accept()

0.12 - Thu Jan 25 11:14:35 PST 2007
0.11 - (failed to upload to cpan)
 - Added etag caching support to allow for collision detection
   - etags are cached on all get_page() calls, and sent to server
     in put_page() calls in the 'If-Match' header.  If the etags
     don't match, the server will return 412.
 - Added unit tests using mocked LWP packages.  
   - ~92X faster and they already have better coverage