0.06 2021-05-29T18:09:00Z
    - Added ips_enabled in Mojolicious::Plugin::Minion::API to validate ip.
    - Added examples.
    - Fixed ordering of file Changes.

0.05 2020-07-06T13:02:00Z
    - Defined version minimal to Mojolicious.

0.04 2020-07-04T20:46:00Z
    - Added variable $VERSION in files of tests.

0.03 2020-07-04T20:02:00Z
    - Set helper minion if not exist in Mojolicious::Plugin::Minion::API.
    - Slows down each request of dequeue. Default is 0.5 (half a second).

0.02 2020-03-05T11:50:00Z
    - Removed code duplication.
    - Added variable $VERSION in Mojolicious::Plugin::Minion::API.

0.01 2020-02-10T22:33:00Z
    - First release.