Bug Reporting and General Help Requests
- Use the Github Issues Page
- Aspiring to Trunk Based Developent
- Use perlcritic and perltidy if my bracer style is offensive
- This is my first module using dzilla to package a module - I'm not completely sold on it and may be using it incorrectly - advice on improving usage welcome
- There remain a few architectural bad smells from the original source code this was based on - don't assume that the class structure is sane
- Pull reqeusts preferred but whatever works for you I will try to work with
- refactor to improve test coverage
- clean up the test structure
- explore handling of batch requests
- API worked examples with help functions
- ability to examine CHI cache and introspect on Client instance metrics ( number of HTTP calls, cache size, TTL data sent/received etc )
- comparison with other language Client libraries
- survey of Perl Google API Modules
- The structure under the AuthStorage is ugly and needs some love
Github Repo: [https://github.com/pscott-au/WebService-GoogleAPI-Client]
A few notes
dzil cover -outputdir docs/cover/