Revision history for Perl extension Authen::Captcha.
2003-12-17 23:47 jmiller
* Changes: updated changes - tagged as Rel-1_023
2003-12-17 23:44 jmiller
*, t/1.t: Added keep_failures option, to keep the
captcha around when the check failes one wants. Added initial
untested sound file support (no distortion yet)
2003-12-04 15:50 jmiller
* Changes: updated changes - tagged as Rel-1_022
2003-12-04 15:46 jmiller
* removed item from TODO - fixing srand() portability
2003-12-04 15:44 jmiller
* added data validation to expire(), width(), and
height() to verify set's use a possitive integer. check_code() -
have it creating database file codes.txt if it doesn't exist (touch
2003-12-04 15:25 jmiller
*, Makefile.PL, t/1.t: Portability update. Modified
directory/file handling to use File::Spec for portable operations.
Added warnings for when unlink's failed. Made srand() in new() of more portable.
2003-12-04 11:08 jmiller
* t/1.t: adjusted test t/1.t... it was writing captcha out to
/tmp/captcha_temp/etc, changed it to use t/captcha_temp/etc using
__FILE__ to figure out where the test is at.
2003-12-04 00:45 jmiller
*, Makefile.PL, t/1.t: Removed nasty hack to hardcode in
the lib/Authen/Captcha/images directory. Replaced with the solution
that lib/Net/ uses (thanks to Andrew Savige for helping me
out). The new solution uses __FILE__ to find the module's filename,
and regex's it into the path to the images directory.
2003-12-03 22:12 jmiller
*, examples/wwwtest.cgi, t/1.t: MAJOR INTERFACE CHANGE!
method names have changed. All two word method names have been
lowercased and split with an underscore for propper style and
consistency: datafolder => data_folder outputfolder =>
output_folder imagesfolder => images_folder
generateCode => generate_code checkCode =>
check_code Also, though less important, an audit of all variable
names in the module has been done in order to put them into the
correct naming conventions as well.
2003-12-03 21:53 jmiller
* added TODO to docs
2003-12-03 15:21 jmiller
*, Makefile.PL: added PREREQ_PM's to the Makefile.PL,
fixed docs on requirements (GD doesn't have to be a 2.x release, I
have it working fine on a 1.41 GD)
2003-12-02 21:19 jmiller
* Changes: updated changes - tagged as Rel-1_015
2003-12-02 21:15 jmiller
* README: updated REAME w/ new documentation format
2003-12-02 21:13 jmiller
* More documentation tweeks
2003-12-02 20:18 sjackson
* Fixing a few right and left brases. Added Josh's name
to the Authors, due to the fact that he did all the leg work on
getting this up on CPAN.
2003-12-02 19:32 jmiller
* Changes: updated changes
2003-12-02 19:29 jmiller
*, README: Re-ordered documentation. Made SYNOPSIS more
minimal. Correctted new() documentation (you can pass in hash, not
a hash referance)
2003-12-02 19:11 jmiller
* POD formatting update.
2003-12-02 14:45 jmiller
* removed useless comment
2003-12-02 14:44 jmiller
* MANIFEST: added examples to manifest
2003-12-02 11:20 jmiller
* Changes: updated Changes file, and Tagged as release 1.010
2003-12-02 14:38 jmiller
* examples/: README, wwwtest.cgi: added an example cgi script
2003-12-02 13:57 jmiller
* README: replaced SRC_IMAGES with [lib install dir]/Authen/Captcha
2003-12-02 13:57 jmiller
* fixed replacement definition for SRC_IMAGES in pod
2003-12-02 12:15 jmiller
* Fixed file locking (they were all exclusive write
locks... modified ones where we were just reading to read locks)
2003-12-02 12:10 jmiller
* moved srand(...seed....) to new()
2003-12-02 11:46 jmiller
*, Changes, README: added INSTALLATION to pod
documentation, dumped pod to README
2003-12-02 11:19 jmiller
* Changes: updated changes
2003-12-02 11:20 jmiller
* Changes: updated Changes file, and Tagged as release 1.006
2003-12-02 01:17 jmiller
* MANIFEST: updated MANIFEST with all images
2003-12-02 00:36 jmiller
*, Changes, Makefile.PL, README, t/1.t: changed
namespace from Crypt::Captcha to Authen::Captcha after looking over
compete module list on CPAN... Authen now seems more appropriate.
2003-12-01 21:23 jmiller
* updated documentation
2003-12-01 20:52 jmiller
* Captcha/images/: 2.png, 3.png, 4.png, 5.png, 6.png, 7.png, 8.png,
9.png, Thumbs.db, a.png, b.png, background1.png, background2.png,
background3.png, background4.png, background5.png, c.png, d.png,
e.png, f.png, g.png, h.png, i.png, j.png, k.png, l.png, m.png,
n.png, o.png, p.png, q.png, r.png, s.png, t.png, u.png, v.png,
w.png, x.png, y.png, z.png: adding static image data
2003-12-01 20:45 jmiller
* Makefile.PL, t/1.t: had to change the PM_FILTER, and the test to
hack around the imagesfolder stuff
2003-12-01 20:23 jmiller
*, t/1.t: fixed "use of uninitialized value" that was in
checkCode (last 4 lines... if $newdata was empty, it'd complain
when warnings were on). Added tests for the new imagesfolder()
2003-12-01 20:13 jmiller
*, Makefile.PL, t/1.t: Changed a LOT... fixed lots of
bugs, changed imagesfolder to outputfolder, and added a new
imagesfolder that does something completely different.
2003-12-01 11:02 jmiller
* updated to have default values for:
expire, width, height
2003-12-01 01:06 jmiller
*, Changes, MANIFEST, Makefile.PL, README, license.txt,
t/1.t: adding in Captcha distribution
2003-11-30 23:49 jmiller
* original version; created by h2xs 1.22 with options
-b 5.5.3 -XAn Authen::Captcha
2003-11-15 07:11 jmiller
* branched off of "FirstProductions Human Test 1.0"
- it's a "perl library" that can be require'd into other scripts
but was written with many globals with hardcoded configs
and poor structure.