Changelog for MediaWiki-Bot
3.4.0 2011-06-19
* Packaging updates & changes from last 2 alphas
3.3.1_2 2011-06-04
* set_highlimits, which had no effect and was deprecated, has been removed.
* Deprecated aliases for MediaWiki::Bot were removed.
* global_image_usage() now supports queries of
3.3.1_1 2011-05-08
* Dependencies for HTTPS fixed
* Old, unnecessary dependencies removed
* Calling test_image_exists() with an arrayref of images now returns results
in the correct order.
3.3.1 2011-04-23
* Deprecation warnings now respect whether deprecation warnings are turned on
3.3.0 2011-04-22
* NOTE: PWP and perlwikipedia are officially deprecated, and *will* be removed in a future release
* Added deprecation warnings to PWP/perlwikipedia aliases, as well as methods/call styles retained
only for backwards compatibility, and which might be removed in future releases.
* General cleanup of documentation
* get_pages_in_namespace() can now properly retrieve all results
* recent_edit_to_page() now returns what it was documented to return (both timestamp and username)
* Require a more recent version of MediaWiki::API
* Resolve permissions error in contributions()
* Make contributions() return data as documented
3.2.7 2011-01-24
* get_allusers() can now filter by usergroup, and accepts an options hashref for greater versatility.
* Test suite now uses
* Don't wait forever if the wiki doesn't respond
3.2.6 2010-10-28
* recentchanges() now filters by namespace and returns all available data, including rcid; see Pod for details.
* get_pages_in_category() now requests the maximum number of results; this resolves a major performance issue when getting the contents of large categories.
* The same performance issue (or potential issue) was resolved in many other methods.
3.2.4 2010-09-06
* Removed dependency on WWW::Mechanize
* revert() was broken by refactoring; this error has been fixed
3.2.0 2010-08-17
* BREAKING CHANGE: The constructor now returns false when auto-login fails
* Some cached data is now invalidated when set_wiki() is called
* Setting a useragent now works
* is_g_blocked() checks if an IP/range is currently blocked, as well as what the address is
* was_g_blocked() checks if an IP/range was ever globally blocked
* "Loaded Plugin X" messages were removed
* INSTALL has slightly better instructions
* is_protected() checks whether a page is protected or not
* It is now possible to get all results from get_pages_in_category() by setting max to zero in the options hashref
* get_all_pages_in_category() now has protection against infinite recursion due to category loops
* get_pages() now actually accepts an arrayref of pages, as documented.
* get_(all_)pages_in_category now have consistent input parsing
* misc/ was removed
* Handling of null path to api.php was fixed
* Useragent format now follows the RFC
* Performance of login() was improved by about 30%
* Calls to list-based methods which use a callback hook now return true for error-checking. Calls which don't use a callback are unchanged.
* links_to_image() was renamed to image_usage() and now uses the API and has new features. The old name is retained for backward compatibility.
* login() can now do SUL; see POD for details
* test_image_exists() sometimes returned undef when it shouldn't have; this was fixed.
* The test suite was made more robust
* SUL on is useless, and is now disabled
* test_image_exists() now accepts an arrayref of images
* Two levels of debug output are now available. 1 is failure notification; 2 is internal operations.
* top_edits() and contributions() offer two ways to get user contributions. See Pod for details.
* Support for LDAP login was added thanks to a patch by philippe.cade
* Protocol, host, and path are now retained when a call to set_wiki() doesn't specify one of them.
3.1.0 2010-06-05
* BREAKING CHANGE: update_rc() now accepts a hashref of options, and the hash structure returned is changed. See POD for details.
* get_pages_in_category() and get_all_pages_in_category() now work properly for non-English wikis (issue 42).
* Moving pages is now supported (issue 43).
* diff() now supports basic diffing.
* prefixindex() now supports listing pages with a common prefix
* edit() can now do section editing.
* Another alias was added: perlwikipedia
* Searching is now supported by search()
* Methods like linksearch(), get_pages_in_category(), and list_transcludes() now perform only one query by default. Pass max => 5 (or whatever)
to do more queries. Note that this controls the number of queries, not the number of results fetched per query. See POD for details
* get_log() was added to support the basics of searching the log.
* Support for basic auth was added (issue 68).
* Support for GlobalBlocking queries was added.
3.0.0 2010-05-30
* BREAKING CHANGE: get_text() now returns the page's wikitext. Blank pages return ""; nonexistent pages return undef.
These both evaluate to false; you can differentiate between them with defined(). get_id() now returns undef instead of
2 when there is no pageid (page is nonexistent or title is invalid).
* BREAKING CHANGE: All subs return undef when they encounter an error that is passed off to _handle_api_error(). Error
details are still available in $bot->{'error'}.
* BREAKING CHANGE: linksearch() now uses keys 'url' and 'title' like the API does. This is to avoid confusion when using
a callback hook, which is now exposed to callers. linksearch() now uses the API.
* BREAKING CHANGE: login()'s return values are reversed, and properly documented. Returns true for success; false for failure:
$bot->login($user, $pass) or die "Login failed\n"; # This is in accord with Perl standards
* BREAKING CHANGE: what_links_here() no longer handles transclusions. To get transclusions, use list_transclusions(). Also,
key names are now 'title' and 'redirect' (defined when the page is a redirect; undefined otherwise).
* Codebase underwent spring cleaning.
* Default useragent now includes the version number.
* Functionality which still uses index.php no longer fails on non-English wikis. Patch by piotr.kubowicz.
* Crypt::SSLeay is now correctly listed as a prerequisite,
* is_blocked() replaces test_blocked(), and now uses the API. test_blocked() remains for backwards compatibility,
* was_blocked() replaces test_block_hist(), and now uses the API. test_block_hist() remains for backwards compatibility.
* $summary is now optional for undelete(); a generic reason will be used if ommitted. undelete() also uses API now.
* edit() now uses an md5 hash to ensure data integrity.
* set_highlimits() can now be used to *not* use highlimits.
* revert() now uses the API.
* get_last() now uses the API.
* undo() now uses the API, and is documented accurately.
* logout() was added.
* purge_page() now uses the API and returns the number of pages successfully purged, which may be useful for the caller's error-checking.
* New methods were added to query WMF's sitematrix, and convert between db name (enwikibooks) to the domain name (
db_to_domain() and domain_to_db().
* Admin functions were moved into the plugin MediaWiki::Bot::Plugin::Admin, which is auto-loaded if present.
* The constructor now does more for script authors. It sets the wiki, logs in, and does some autoconfiguration. See updated POD for details.
* edit() now accepts a hashref of options. See updated POD for details.
* expandtemplates() now uses the API.
2.3.0 2009-05-23
* Get_pages now makes sense when following namespace aliases. The title you give is the title you get back. Aliases are not expanded. Patch by
Stefan Petrea.
* Unicode test will now take a bit longer but hopefully avoid any errors that shouldn't be there
2.2.3 2009-05-05
* RELEASE-NOTES renamed to Changes
* Test suite now outputs a message when there is an expected error to be printed to terminal
* Some debugging code removed
* Simplify Unicode tests, now only run editing tests if not blocked
* More specific error detection in test 11 (get_pages_in_namespace)
* More verbose error handling in all code
* Add unblock capability
2.1.1 2009-02-24
* Additions of sub unblock, some test changes
* Error checking is about to be updated. If an error occurs, any subs will return -1*the integer error number. See the updated documentation in
2.1.0 2009-02-03
* Some more unicode changes
* If unicode doesn't work, TELL ME
2.0.1 2009-01-26
* Removed some redundant error messages
2.0.0 2008-12-30
* I was going to make this 1.5.3, but then I realized I shouldn't hide something this big behind a sub-minor release. For reasons of having the
module included in the module list on CPAN, making everything be a bit neater, and for all-around happiness, I've moved Perlwikipedia into
the preexisting MediaWiki:: namespace. The module is now called MediaWiki::Bot.
* You can also now use "PWP" instead of "MediaWiki::Bot" in your code. The distribution on CPAN and in the svn repo includes an alias.
* Plugins are now loaded automatically if installed. This means you don't have to do as much arcane magic. The plugins will be listed under
MediaWiki::Bot::Plugin:: in CPAN and are not currently in svn. If you have a task that you would like to make into a plugin and publish on
CPAN, please get in touch with me at
* Added the ImageTester plugin to CPAN. Purpose is to analyze and tag copyrighted images which do not follow en.wikipedia's policies
* Added the CUP plugin to CPAN as a basic example of what a plugin does. This is used by the bot that will run the WikiCup stats, and these
methods can be called just like any other methods in the main module
1.5.2 2008-12-27
* Add support for 'plugins' which add additional features to MediaWiki::Bot. See MediaWiki::Bot::Plugin::ImageTester on CPAN for an example.
* Loosened requirements for test_image_exists to determine that an image is on commons: the missing key is not always present.
1.5.1 2008-12-21
* Fixed the bug where logins wouldn't transfer from API to wiki again, now part of test 01.
* Added tests for AssertEdit, maxlag, get_allusers, get_pages
* Added sub set_highlimits for api queries, since PWP can't tell if you're a bot
* Sub test_image_exists can now tell if an image page exists but has no image. Also uses API.
* Added defaults for protection, now uses API. In-house tests exist for protection and deletion.
* Some variable normalizing in tests.
* Added testing environment variables: PWPMakeTestSetWikiHost, PWPMakeTestSetWikiDir
* Reenabled tests for get_namespace_names, get_pages_in_namespace
* Some fixes for potential race conditions on database replication for tests, should not be necessary in real production code
1.5.0 2008-12-08
* Added a sub get_pages(), which accepts a list of pages and gets each page's text in one go and returns a hash. Much faster than get_text()
for more than one page.
* Switched sub protect over to API, cascading works now
* Add a few more tests
1.4.2 2008-12-07
* Apparently I accidentally removed get_allusers? Fixed that.
* Some CPAN testers have been reporting a failure to make the test edit in t/02_edit.t so I added a call to Data::Dumper.
1.4.1 2008-11-27
* Remove my tsting code from sub login, now using an updated version of MediaWiki::API to handle cookies properly. MediaWiki::API 0.20 or
higher now required.
1.4.0 2008-11-18
* Fix a bug in get_allusers() by bosborne
* Fix a bug which made some methods, such as delete_old_image, attempt to execute logged-out because the method used to transfer cookies from
the API useragent, which does the logging in, to the MediaWiki::Bot useragent, which does the other stuff, was not functional. This bug
only affected non-api methods and has been fixed through a nasty hack, which I hope can be made cleaner in the coming weeks.
1.3.8 2008-11-16
* New method: get_allusers($limit) by bosborne
* That bug I fixed in 1.3.7? I fixed it again. For real this time.
* Using 'retries' instead of 'max retries' config variable for MediaWiki::API HTTP errors
1.3.7 2008-11-11
* Minor bugfix in one of the tests.
1.3.6 2008-10-27
* Added maxlag compatibility. (Thanks to the developers of MediaWiki::API for their implementation) The settings are as follows:
* Maxlag parameter: Dafault 5 seconds, can be configured when creating the object
* Delay: 1 second
* Retries: Until success
* Make test 98 fail gracefully on platforms without the test suite
* Fix some really weird spacing in the Makefile.PL
* The other maxlag options, along with lots of other defaults, will probably be modifiable in 1.4 with a sort of config sub. This will allow
the custom configuration of options for WWW::Mechanize and MediaWiki::API, so you don't need to go sourcediving or remember the order for the
parameters to the constructor.
* Since is down, tests 1, 8, 10, 11
1.3.5 2008-10-04
* Allowing cascade protection now. This may or may not work, since there are some changes being made to the protection API.
* Anonymous editing should work. If you still can not use this framework to edit, I need to be contacted. To this end, I've enabled an editing
test, hopefully cpan-testers sends me good results :)
* Fix a stupid mistake I made regarding the names of certain parameters to get_history
1.3.4 2008-09-11
* Some triage after the first CPAN test results came in:
* Appearantly, get_pages_in_category was running test file 08, test 2, very slowly because I was loading a 1000+ page category in sets of 10
pages at a time. This has been remedied, the limit is now 500.
* Cannot reproduce a bug in get_namespace_names and another in count_contributions - so instead, if we get weird results, we run the sub again.
* There is a bug in get_history which was causing weird errors on some test machines. I've switched it to use MediaWiki::API.
1.3.3 2008-09-10
* get_pages_in_category now uses the API
* Test 8 has been modified to test nested categories
* Test 7 is now faster, but still effective
* Bug checking added on edit for anon edit bug
* Bots now use the bot flag when editing, as was done before switching to API editing
* Regarding anonymous editing: MediaWiki bug 15420 has been marked as FIXED by Roan Kattouw. Waiting for that to be scapped so I can test it
and enable the editing tests.
* Before I updated get_pages_in_category, it seemed to have some encoding errors: returning escape sequences where it shouldn't. I'll be
looking into its status on that front.
1.3.2 2008-08-30
* Now logging in via API if password is supplied
* Fixed an encoding issue in page saving
* Anonymous editing is currently broken. This is an upstream issue which I am working to resolve
1.3.1 2008-08-28
* Maintenance: update manifest, readme
* More MediaWiki::API: blocking, deleting, get_text
* Add localization for MediaWiki::API. This is important...
* Update tests to test for loading of sections of pages
* AssertEdit assertaions can now be passed as 'bot' OR as '&assert=bot'
* MediaWiki::API didn't localise with set_wiki()
* Unicode issues with MediaWiki::API editing fixed
* Fix one warning in edit() - undefined value in string eq near line 252
1.3 2008-08-27
* Convert over to use MediaWiki::API
1.01 2007
* Standardized all functions to return 1 and set $object->{errstr} in the event of an error
* get_history and other _get_api-based functions will now properly escape utf8 characters in the query
* Fixed memory leak issues with WWW::Mechanize
0.1 2007-08-25
* original version