0.43  2022-09-15  lichtkind
    * = GUI cleanup
    * + organize setting in tabs
    * + clean up command buttons into a main menu
    * + progress bar for drawing
    * ! smooth loading of settings without sketch triggering event loops
    * ~ doc typos

0.42  2022-09-14  lichtkind
    * = post first release bug fix release
    * + sketch mode to get fast previews when playing with knobs
    * - removing not working toggle button for tool tips
    * ! fix visual element enable mechanism due changed key words of color flow
    * ! crash when last settings list in config was empty
    * ! crash when saving settings

0.41  2022-09-14  lichtkind
    * = initial CPAN release
    * + 4 pendula: X, Y, Z (wobble), Rotating with haveing each setting of
    *   - pendulum length (amplitude)
    *   - frequency (integer + decimal), invertable 
    *   - offset, checks for 90 and 180 degree
    * + line length, dot denisty and dot size
    * + color flow: no, linear, alternating, circular
    * save images as SVG, JPEG and PNG
    * save and load settings in INI files
    * quick save of images and settings for series of files