Revision history for Perl extension OpenSearch
0.92 2024-06-04T10:16:01Z
- Added tests for Index-API endpoints requires ENV Vars: OS_HOST, OS_USER, OS_PASS, OS_INDEX
- Fixxed #3 in GitHub (
- Fixxed #4 in GitHub (
- Updated POD
- some small fixxes
0.91 2024-05-28T15:52:39Z
- Updated Document API to support Bulk inserts (benchmarks better than expected)
- Added Benchmark scripts in the examples directory
- Cluster Endpoints seems to be complete now (POD missing)
- Index Endpoints seems to be complete not (POD missing)
- Added some more tests (depending on ENV)
- Updated POD in OpenSearch Module
0.90 2024-05-27T13:40:59Z
Rewrote the API to be more clear.
Should be easier to maintain.
Index Endpoints now complete (according to the official Documentation
0.03 2024-05-18T05:23:14Z
Fixxed missing JSON requirement
0.02 2024-05-17T10:40:41Z
- Updated documentation for the Base OpenSearch class and the OpenSearch::Cluster* Endpoints
0.01 2024-05-15T15:20:58Z
- original version