0.15 2012-04-12
	Updated non-word characters removed from words prior to spellcheck
0.14 2012-04-11
	Allow *.yml files from more recent Perls than originally used in dev

0.13 ...

0.12 2011-03-11
	Try to catch bad installs of binary spellers
0.11 2011-03-10 exists but Ispell not found

0.5-0.10 2011-02

0.4 2011-01-11 
	Removed Test::Most

0.3 2011-01-10
	Forgot the Makefile.PL and manifest tests didn't pick it up.
0.2 2011-01-10
	Just found Test::Spelling, so made this module API-compatible
0.1	2011-01-10
	Initial version