0.04 Fri Feb 29 22:54:30 EST 2008
- ported to Module::Build
- ported tests to Test::More and added some rigours tests which
verify given analytic solutions at various step sizes
- one can now access computed values with $o->values_at() which
returns an array of values at a given point
- default behaviour changes to retain values internally instead of printing to STDOUT
if no { file => $foo } attribute was given
- one can turn off saving computing values in memory with keep_values = 0 in the
arguments to init like
my $ode = new Math::ODE ( file => 'data', keep_values => 0, etc... );
This may be useful if you have a fine mesh size and/or long batch jobs.
- $o->evolve() now returns true on success and undefined on numerical error
- fixed off-by-one bug in _store_values
- added $o->max_error([ $subref1, $subref2 ] ) to calculate maximum error from a
Math::ODE object and an analytic solution, given as an array ref of code refs
- t/values_at.t
0.03 Fri Dec 14 03:52:33 EST 2001
- added verbose()
0.02 Wed Dec 12 13:29:46 EST 2001
- killed "use warnings" generated by h2xs to placate < 5.6 perls
0.01 Wed Dec 12 02:20:45 EST 2001
- First release